Reviews for A Hope Renewed
readicted chapter 26 . 10/24/2018
The conversation with Rosalie went well. It was kind and generous of heart for Bella to give her forgiveness so easily. I'm glad that she hedge it against her harder to earn trust. It's as it should be. Be forgiving, not gullible. That goes a long way to mending the crack in the Cullen family foundation that Rose's attitude and behavior had caused. I'm so surprised that Bella was left alone in the manor. I suppose the servants are there, but somehow James was able to gain entry and waltz on in and locate her. I hate the thought of her embezzling from her husband's estate. I hope she does not. Or if she does, she does it in such an obvious way as to alert them that she's trying to be noticed.
readicted chapter 24 . 10/22/2018
Very much for Edward's thorough dressing out Rosalie. I love that he told her that he was not here for her self-serving attempts to assuage her guilt whilst Bella was in no condition to determine whether she wanted to offer forgiveness or not. That was most excellent, better than almost anything I can think of that he could've said to her in that moment. I was surprised by Bella's condition taking a turn for the worse. Carlisle rode for four days in the snow and ice, on horseback to retrieve meds for her, and Alice and Esme both helped spot Edward so he could get a bit of rest. Even Jasper was there holding things down so Edward could focus his energy and attentions towards seeing his wife through her health crisis. Emmett I'm sure, was understandably occupied with seeing to Emma's wellbeing. The family has well and truly embraced Bella as one of their own. I hope Charlie was well looked after during this time. Hah! I loved Bella's response to Rosalie. And honestly, her apology and contrition is a little late. Assuming she is, in fact, contrite. That heartfelt apology that I assume is coming, should've happened as soon as she found out Tanya lied. She needed to beg both Bella's and Edward's forgiveness. And Emmett's. That she thought Edward would make promises of engagement to a woman, and her father, and then marry another, and chose to remain so, calls to question what she thinks of his character. She's been nothing but disrespectful, dismissive, hateful and conniving towards Bella, in her own home.
readicted chapter 22 . 10/21/2018
Things are about to get rocky aren't they. Now that official charges have been filed against James. And the foreboding stormy weather.
readicted chapter 21 . 10/21/2018
Edward handled that prickly situation with such graceful aplomb and finesse. He left no room for Mrs. Mallory's spiteful tongue. He also allowed her to safe face by not responding in anger. Well done. I most certainly would not have been so wise had I been in a comparable situation. I will keep this fictional situation in mind should I ever find myself provoked to ire. I love their passion and increasing spontaneity.
readicted chapter 20 . 10/20/2018
Very nicely done.
readicted chapter 19 . 10/20/2018
Damn right Rosalie owes the Mistress of Colingswood a heartfelt apology. Emmett is good enough to understand his brother's position and respect it, despite the uncomfortable position in which it puts him. The presentation and the ball went better than I expected. I'm sure there will be tongues wagging, but Bella held up well under pressure. The audacity of Tanya. And if Rose is co-signing or in any way encouraging her outrageous behavior, well...
readicted chapter 18 . 10/20/2018
Oh my. I've really been enjoying this. So relieved that Edward discovered the letters Bella wrote before she could send them off to post. Their declarations were wonderful. I love their growing ardor, but I must admit that whenever I read about such early morning passion, it always makes my bladder ache. Especially as Edward decides to hover over her. Thank goodness for modern plumbing! Being a servant back then seems so laborious. I mean the well to do couldn't even bathe, groom and dress themselves. If you think about the irony of it all, it seems so silly. I mean the social elites looked down at those of lower standing, but without their service, the elites would be at a loss trying to take care of themselves and their estates. They were skilled in managing and delegating, but not in the doing. Many would fall to ruin. Same principle applies to industry affairs, even today. The higher up you go, the less capable, generally speaking, the individual is to do the actual skilled duties. They have their expertise and skills to be sure, but it's not in the actualday to day skills. Bella has the advantage, or disadvantage, of knowing both sides. Esme is wonderful. Rose should feel shame at her behavior. She is the only one to take issue with this marriage. To be sure all were concerned, but they have observed Edward and could clearly see how taken he was with his wife. See that he was happy. They also took time to observe and get to know Bella better so they could discern what kind of person she is. Only Rose is thinking of herself. All of the other Cullens seem content with Edward's choice. So yes, she has some reflection she needs to do. And I am so go that Edward firmly stood up for his wife, and that Bella declared not only her love for Edward, but also her unwillingness to give him up. She was quite graceful in expressing empathy and understanding towards Rose. It was a kindness that was not extended to her. Even if Rose was concerned about how this would impact her and Emma, she could've shown much more grace and tact in how she expressed them. I hope Emmett lets her know she embarrassed and disappointed him in front of his entire family.
readicted chapter 16 . 10/20/2018
I agree, ENOUGH! Relieved to see that Edward has reached his limit. Even still, he is firm, but not a boorish tyrant. Still as ever, a gentleman despite his frustrations. Rosalie is truly self centered and selfish. I do understand see is concerned for her and her family's social standing. And it's unfair to be completely dismissive of the importance of that to a young lady (Emma) in need of a beneficial match, but for her to disregard Edward's feelings in favor of her own interests is just so shallow and selfish. She wishes for him to dissolve a union that has become a love match or at least one is developing into one, for a more socially prominent one irrespective of Edward's hope for his own match. It's beyond heartbreaking that Charlie did not know who Bella was. Such a devastating disease.
readicted chapter 12 . 10/19/2018
I have been stealing moments in my day to read this wonderful story. I simply adore this Edward. He is sweet, honorable, attentive, generous, kind, empathetic, patient, sexy, considerate and incredibly understanding. Mr. Banner and the Dressshop owner are both so kind to her. The Parson and his family too. Obviously Charles Swan was a well-respected and well-liked Master of Collingswood (not sure of the proper title.) Edward has had many reasons to be upset, angry or distrustful towards Bella, but with the exception of that one time, he's shown a remarkable measure of patience and compassion. Wonder how his family will receive her.
readicted chapter 3 . 10/19/2018
Yikes! Papa Swan is not playing.
Wonder what happened with the estate finances. Did Papa Swan's ailment cause him to forget payments, or did someone notice his cognitive decline and embezzle? I'm wondering if either the head servant, James had anything to do with it. Either him or Mrs. Mallory. He did ask Mrs. Mallory to help him with seeing to Bella. I can see she will be a prickly thorn. Sad that the two friends, Lauren and Bella cannot still be friendly.
readicted chapter 1 . 10/19/2018
Just finished rereading A Swallow to a Dove and shouldbecleaning rec'd this fic.
Loveforgreeneyes chapter 38 . 9/14/2018
This is a great story. I read it some time ago and enjoyed the second time as much as the first. Thank you for sharing your characters with us.
heartstrings13 chapter 39 . 8/31/2018
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 35 . 8/30/2018
Well...I was waiting for James to return...
WHO will save Bella now?!
SeptemberGirl 7 chapter 20 . 8/28/2018
Bella is finally communicating with her words and her body.

Now...let’s see what the morning after brings...more lovemaking...and kicking Tanya and Rose out of the manor?!
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