Reviews for String Theory
KDMCAM chapter 53 . 8/7
I loved the red ribbon socks! So perfect for them!
fanfictionalcolic chapter 53 . 1/24
So so sweet, thanks
antiquelilium chapter 55 . 12/6/2023
This is a beautiful read. Heart warming, kind story interspersed with some gentle humour. Wish life was this perfect! You definitely have a gift for writing!
acw1 chapter 13 . 4/25/2023
WordsMusicMagic chapter 55 . 12/23/2022
Sweet story. Thanks:)
Cknsw chapter 54 . 11/5/2022
I enjoyed this story, I loved Edwards growth. Thank you.
CynMar Rom chapter 55 . 9/9/2022
I love, love, loooove these two.
I first read this story up until chapter 53, which was beautiful.
I've been up in my feelings this week and I re-read the whole thing twice. The Bella POV was beautiful and it sort of makes me want to know everything from her perspective, specially at the beginning.
Thank you, for sharing such wonderful stories.
Cesium Spring chapter 2 . 8/23/2022
Oh ! It's gonna be great ! I'm so excited !
EeWee chapter 55 . 7/19/2022
Terrific story. Loved they were both nerds and super smart. And I love Charlie. Always has been one of my favorite characters.
Paradizei chapter 2 . 6/18/2022
I love a nerdyshy edward, mostly of the fics make him all drugs, cigarettes and leather jackets
EllBeef chapter 11 . 2/4/2022
"I doubt the 'shooting me in the face' comment is going to slip out of my memory anytime soon either." Made me laugh out loud! This story is so cute, I'm loving it so much
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 12/14/2021
I loved this story so much, they're really cute and funny... Thank you for sharing.
AddictedToLoveStories chapter 55 . 11/17/2021
I truly feel like this should be published! So good!
AlexandraaCullen chapter 1 . 8/5/2021
Super cute story! Very different than a lot of read, I don’t know anything about physics at all so most of that sort went over my head but I loved Edward and Bella’s passion for it! They are such sweet characters! Thanks for sharing
Just Sus chapter 53 . 7/30/2021
Very cute story! Loved the characters! Thank you...
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