Reviews for A to Z of Danny Whumps!
Me chapter 26 . 5/14/2021
Okay, I'll write this for all of the chapters here now. I LOVE IT! omg this book is the best i have ever read! And your writing style uffff how awesome. I love how you made everything realistic. And I also love that you wrote Steve (as in real life) so carefully. (That's one thing I love about 5-O that Steve is so attentive and immediately notices if something is wrong) however I'll have to start this book all over again. Thank you, thank you, thank you for these great stories xx
Marian Simonetti chapter 22 . 2/16/2021
I love your stories well written and you really have a knowledge of the team...especially Danny..I have to disagree with you about what
you said in the intro to this chapter.. I think
Scott has the best butt...Alex has an amazing body but in my opinion Scott has an even more amazing body..especially his butt...KUDOS..
jenwincart chapter 1 . 10/24/2020
loved it
JD2747 chapter 19 . 6/11/2019
Great story, but would loved to have a chapter where she is reunited with her father.
DieKatimitdemHut chapter 26 . 6/2/2019
Thank you so much for all your time, effort and creativity that went into writing this gigantic project! It truly made my week! I particularly enjoyed the Water-Chapter but every scenario was deeply researched and I really apreciate your hard work! The higher power who had it in for him is powerfull indeed! I read all chapters. On my way to work, in my breaks, (sometimes during work!), in the bath, late at night in bed. I just could not put my phone down. And I truly enjoyed every minute of it! Thank you so much!
Honor Reid chapter 26 . 1/25/2019
I have been reading your story over the last couple of weeks and I have greatly enjoyed myself. I love Danny and I love how you write him. His relationship with Steve, Chin,Kono as a family was very well done! Thanks so much!
Sabine68 chapter 26 . 7/26/2018
Just read this again and habe to say that it is a real masterpiece. An amazing work and I admire your creativity and wonderful storylines. Maybe this gives you an impulse to come back to writing about Danny in the future. I would appreciate it a lot.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/27/2018
Hello, just to say that I read this fic long ago and it was written so well that today I was searching for an episode where Danny is in a fridge.. X) I wanted you to know I was thinking this was on tv because the pictures that spawned in my head reading this were really clear so thank you for your work :)
Zizzle chapter 26 . 6/16/2018
Awesome! More please!
JD2747 chapter 26 . 3/16/2018
You are a great story teller! Please keep up with writing for 5 0.
Cubit2 chapter 9 . 9/27/2017
Loving these all over again!

I noticed something here, though. Danny is complaining about the heat in Hawaii, saying that it's 100F. Actually, it rarely gets above 90F in Hawaii while it regularly rises above 90F in NJ in July and August (sometimes even June and September) with high humidity. (It even reached 80F this past February. Mother Nature is off her rocker in NJ.) In the concrete jungles like Newark where Danny was a street cop, it feels even hotter with no real breeze to ease the heat and humidity, so Danny surely had endured much worse weather many times over. Of course, that would never stop Danny from ranting about it anyway. lol
Guest chapter 19 . 6/18/2017
I love the way the write. The characterizations are excellent. One question? What happens to Lani after this chapter.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/16/2017
Not claustrophobic...
Elise Deschat chapter 26 . 12/11/2016
Thoroughly enjoyed the alphabet soup, particularly the Warner story arc...each presented an emotionally charged narrative to the reader...despite the protestations of not having a medical background (which I do have), you kept medical details logical and general, leaving the characters' health to our imaginations, which allowed us to raise and maintain our angst kept us in a constant state of worry for Danny and the rest of the Five-0 Ohana, which is the best way to write...when you get specific and don't understand or don't research the topic it muddies the water...

The characterizations were spot on, especially those tiffs between Danny and Steven...however, I do not think of Chin as being older...he was in the original series, but not the new production...I figure the menfolk are around the same age with Kono the youngest character...

I was also glad that unlike your original readers that I got to read the complete story without was hard enough waiting to see the end of Warner
Elise Deschat chapter 16 . 12/9/2016
Some refer to it as a a child I had a trach tray by my bed when I had asthmatic bronchitis...fortunately, despite my allergies to perfumes (scented candles), have only used an epi pen once in an ER...I felt the same fear, as contained your brother lost a friend that way as well, she was alone during an asthmatic episode
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