Reviews for The Pureblood Pretense |
Guest chapter 5 . 12/23/2022 "Are you an angel, then, Malfoy?" so cute! I ship it 3 |
Guest chapter 4 . 12/23/2022 I'm rereading this again, (I can't remember how many times I've reread this series) and the owlery scene really hit me, and now I really want to draw that scene it's so cute! lol that's all |
aki93 chapter 20 . 12/18/2022 This is my third read for this story. Done in 3 day. It is always a pleasure. And despite the long wait between chapters, I'm obviously referring to the last installment of the series, it is well worth it. Thank you for your hard work! I hope you will always find inspiration to keep going |
LadyGrimR chapter 22 . 12/12/2022 THIS is so very epic. I'm super glad I found this fic. |
DeadFish37 chapter 8 . 11/9/2022 This is really fun so far. You've created a great character. I find myself wondering what she'll do when she hits puberty though. It's hard to believe she could keep her secrets even as long as this. |
Burke Manring chapter 17 . 11/2/2022 Hi, quick clarification: I don’t know if this is what you intended, but you made it sound like lawyers get to write whatever laws they want into being, and the Wizengamot just enforces them. That’s . . . not how that works at all, but I think you know that based on your previous mentions of bills the S.O.W. party are trying to pass through the Wizengamot, establishing it as the British Wizarding Government’s legislative body—which it is. Lawyers (at least in the American governmental system, which is based on English common law) are part of the judicial system, which has absolutely no hand in creating new legislations or enforcing them, but only in interpreting them and prescribing punishment for their being broken. Sorry for the long tirade on stuff you almost definitely already know; I just wanted to get this down to make myself feel better, and if someone else reading this is now better educated about the American legal system, then great! |
Flo150203 chapter 19 . 10/8/2022 Ì‘m surprised Rigel agrees to a vow of undisclosed debt. Flint could demand anything. Her situation is even worse than before. Before, he could only tell on her. Now, the vow could make her do things she does not want to do and land her in Azkaban anyway - or destroy her family and friends. And she even asked for this. |
Flo150203 chapter 18 . 10/8/2022 Oh, my, Rigel is the prodigy of prodigies. By the end of the year she is probably going to replace Snape in his lab and he will ask her to brew potions since his own magical core has been depleted while Rigel‘s magic is an everlasting pool.;) And Archie is one, too. Reading medical journals at the age of 8… I hope you don‘t make him solve the issue of the illness. Usually I would stop right here (actually I would have stopped several chapters ago), since I can‘t bear overpowered characters and this is definitely on the verge of Mary Sue territory. But it is so well written and captivating, I just can‘t help but read on… :) Thanks for writing & sharing! Although I might not agree with your choices, I very much appreciate your story. You gave me several entertaining hours. Thanks for that! |
Flo150203 chapter 17 . 10/7/2022 I really like your story but there are some things that are bothering me more and more. The amount of work that Rigel magically manages to accomplish is one of those things. It‘s getting utterly ridiculous. First, she, an 11 year old 1st year, does the homework of Flint who‘s a several years older 5th year. This in itself is highly improbable. It would even be difficult if she were to attend his classes. There is an intellectual difference between an 11 year old and a 15 year old. Accordingly the homework of a 15 year old is much more demanding. She is also missing all the knowledge of the school years in between. Imagine a 5th grade trying to do the math homework of a 9th grade. It’s insane. Even Percy‘s help could not make up for this missing knowledge. Rigel should have difficulties to get Flint’s homework done at all - and now her work is even too good? In addition she studies healing, supposedly the same curriculum as Harry so she could pass as him (or herself ;)) during breaks. All that on her own without help and any instructions. Then she has the extra potions work for Snape. So far it was just extra work. Now it is extra work on apprentice level and beyond NEWT level. And if that‘s not enough she starts brewing in her private lab. Brewing potions takes time - probably a lot of time. What is she? Some kind of super prodigy that has talents and power far beyond any one else and has also mastered controlling time? It is getting so unrealistic that it really spoils the story. Which is rather sad because you‘ve got such an intriguing concept and write very well. Apart from these things that irk me I have enjoyed myself very much (thanks for that!). For the most part I just have to constantly remind myself that Rigel & co are supposed to be 11 year old children. ;) Anyway, thank you very much for writing and sharing this! I really do appreciate it. |
fictionalfinesse chapter 14 . 9/17/2022 hi! for your rewrite edits for posting to ao3: "genteel" is what you mean. in the section with professor quirrel. not gentile |
MonicaSage chapter 22 . 8/25/2022 This is simply amazing and brought me great joy. Thank you for the hundreds of hours you must have spent on this. |
Guest chapter 15 . 8/14/2022 Ripped the letter into pieces to dispose of in different trash cans? The castle is rife with FIREPLACES. Good goddess and god, I thought Harry was the smart one. |
Trutharchivist chapter 22 . 8/11/2022 All right. I'm quite a bit late, I know, but I've only recently learned of this fic via AO3, and wanted to write a review on the first fic as a whole. Firstly, I'd like to admit to not reading Song of the Lioness, though I think I committed the unforgivable crime of reading about it in Wikipedia a while ago. I might try to read it after reading this fic, though. A technical comment: while I enjoyed this fic a great deal, I think the final chapters were too long, and could be cut to smaller, more digestible pieces. Another note of somewhat technical nature is the formality sometimes found in some characters' interactions. Might be something from SotL, or just a portrayal of high society, but it comes of as a bit weird, to me. In relation to Wizarding World continuity, the fic seems to be very consistent with the original, with changes mostly explained. The ripple effects from the change are dealt with effectively. I had my doubts at first, but most of the characters that needed explanation - Regulus Black, for example, or Peter Petigrew - were covered, so if I have further questions I just assume they'll be answered in later fics. I did think that the Pureblood laws will have far stronger ramifications, but this probably work better. Harry/Rigel can be very frustrating a character at times. She tends to take her special abilities as completely normal, and is prone to do nothing proactive whatsoever. She had to have one of her friends under the threat of imminent death - and be attacked herself - to actually find a cure instead of keeping everyone alive for the time being. I just can't help but compare it to how the original Harry dealt with Hermione being petrified by the basilisk. He obviously had more to work with, but still. Harry has a severe case of deafness to the Call. The magic system is fascinating. I know that my previous point was related to there not being much action, but I am interested in magical theory. The depiction of mind and magic as two different points in a wizard/witch made me think of Snape's discussion with Dumbledore about the connection between Harry and Voldemort in the Deathly Hallows: there is mind and there is soul, though in Harry and Voldemort's case "they are one and the same". An interesting situation, and your magic system might explain it. It reminded me a little if what the Methods of Rationality did with the magic system of Harry Potter, but it's not really the same. A few small tidbits: as far as I see it, no explanation has actually been given to why is Harry so different from other wizards. I hope that there's an explanation in later fics, because otherwise it'll just stand out to me like a sore thumb. The Parselmouth situation seems a little problematic to me - it's not weird to me at all that it didn't come from Salazar himself, but it connected to the Peverells should have more ramifications, IMO, like there being Parselmouth Potters besides Harry, which would come of as weird since they're traditionally Gryffindor. It's also probably teachable, as I think Dumbledore knew Parseltongue in the original series. I'm interested to see where this series will go. It appears to have a more political focus than the original Harry Potter, which may be an element from SotL and may be a result of having the protagonist be a Slytherin. Thank you for reading my review, and have a good day, Trutharchivist. |
London Knight chapter 2 . 7/27/2022 And now Rigel is a vegetarian ?! WTAF ! *Major Mary Sue Alert Level 11' ! If your a vegetarian then do not foist your beliefs on your main characters please . It's amateurish in the extreme & goes way against canon . Plus at the time 99% of state schools in UK did not cater for veggies - they had to go home for lunch or bring packed lunches . At boarding schools it was even worse - you ate what you were given or starved . Veggie friend of mine at my school was force fed sausages by bullies & there was no comebacks . Both he & other two veggies in my time there were mercilessly ridiculed for their beliefs . This was a few years before 1991 but things did not change until late 90s . This fic has gone too over the top into your personal head canon to be readable by me . Stopping here . Bye . |
LK Again chapter 2 . 7/26/2022 Britpicking : 'garden salad' in UK is having your face shoved into grass or other foliage & thus not an actual foodstuff ... Try green salad or just salad - even though there's many different kinds . Only salads that have extras in them - potato , pasta , cheese etc - are called anything different majority of the time . |