Reviews for The Christmas Book
k1942 chapter 12 . 4/5/2013
Bella seems to be magic, too! The magic of a loving heart, I'm thinking.
k1942 chapter 11 . 4/5/2013
Of course she will! Esme will love Bella as Alyssa and Edward do! After all, how can a magic book be wrong?
k1942 chapter 10 . 4/5/2013
What else would they both wish for, since it's the most important thing to them?
k1942 chapter 9 . 4/5/2013
The scrapbooks are solid proof of how Alice and Jasper felt about Bella, that plus them naming their child after her. It seems Alice's wish was granted. Now I wonder what Bella and Edward will wish for, since the book has chosen them?
k1942 chapter 8 . 4/5/2013
I liked the way Edward shooed off those two harpies! It sure tickled Bella, too! Lauren was right, thought, it is too late, I think they have fallen for each other!
k1942 chapter 7 . 4/5/2013
Oh boy, it really is a magic book! Sounds like Alice's wish may be coming true!
k1942 chapter 6 . 4/5/2013
Lauren and Jessica are as sleazy as ever, I see! Who said "She's Mommy's best friend, Izzy", Bella or Alyssa?
k1942 chapter 5 . 4/5/2013
Trust Lauren to tell Bella something shoking enough to cause her to faint! Paying for the chocolate with kisseswas going so well, too!
k1942 chapter 4 . 4/5/2013
Sounds pretty good to me! What a cute idea and how clever of her to pull Uncle Edward into her plan! Hope it doesn't embarass him too much!
k1942 chapter 3 . 4/5/2013
Nine months is quite a while when you're four, going on five. That's probably got something to do with it. And maybe, Alyssa was just ready to talk when she met Bella.
k1942 chapter 2 . 4/5/2013
What are the chances that Bella's best friend was the Alice that martried Jasper, Edward's best friend? It's too much of a coincidence that both Alice's died in a car wreck! The magic book is sure to figure prominently in this story. Edward is angry that Bella is insisting on Alyssa speak, but it's the right thing to do.
k1942 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
What a sad situation! He's lost his best friend, and this precious child has lost her parents! It's enough to break,your heart.
velvetWhispers chapter 15 . 4/3/2013
Chugga chapter 15 . 3/8/2013
Sweet little story :)
TwiMommyof3 chapter 15 . 3/5/2013
Aww sooooooo cute!
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