Reviews for 100 things that Brazil shouldn't do
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2018
Curiosities: Most of Brazil belonged to Spain and another part to Portugal, in theory because of the Treaty of Versailles, but the king of Portugal disappeared in a war and the next heir was the king of Spain, thus forming the Iberian Union , annulling the Treaty of Versailles allowing the expansion of Brazil, but later Portugal became independent, placing the Bragança family in power. That's why Brazil speaks Portuguese. (The Spanish part of Brazil did not have a Spanish presence.)
Carolina Queiroz chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
Dear, may I say, in ALL our history, we NEVER were under Spain's rule -.-'
But they tried
Guest chapter 1 . 9/5/2014
Spain never owned Brazil.
Ferraz chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Brazil estava nas Guerras Mundiais. Isso apenas é pouco falado, tão pouco falado que nem mesmo os brasileiros sabem ou acreditam nisso. mas o brasil esteve nas duas guerras. Sua participação pode não ter sido de grande destaque, mas ele esteve nas duas guerras após ter navios torpedeados.
Akai Kitsune chapter 1 . 6/20/2014
Hello I have a thing to say about the "17) Spain does not own me anymore". Brazil never had anything to do with Spain. Brazil has ever been Potugal's colony. Portuguese people arrived in south america and decided to keep that part of it. Later, because of Napoleonic Wars, the royal Portuguese family moved to Brazil and started building things to live here. Much later, the King's son, Dom Pedro, declared Brazil's independence. There were no wars, since he was from the portuguese royal family, and Brazil was freed from Portugal. That's why Brazil's official language is portuguese, not spanish. I hope this helps you when writting fanfiction im sorry if im annoying you
Gabriel chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Awesome, keep on doing it forever!
AnneFrasine chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
hahha I'm Brazilian and enjoyed
zorro lee chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
Haha loved it
Von Bock chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Hello, I am Brazilian and there are a LOT of wrongs and mistakes, if U alowed me I can tell you. First spain once owned all south america, excepet for Brazil who was part of Portuguese Empire ( the only Portuguese colony in America independence just on 1820" we were the last countrie to have independence in america") that's why Brazil for a LONG time was saw as the cow of Portugal that got a lot of things from us in series, a special wood in Brazil called Paú-Brasil(rewood) that was used to dye red clothes and the wood is used for violins from 1530-almost 1590 we had a war againt the French who invaded in where nowa days we have Rio, that was build just to Protect from the French, than sugar cane that was kind a lot of time and Portugal had a busines with Netherlands, portugal gave the sugar cane netherlands make sugar and both divide the money (the only problem was when the King of Portugal died with no son and Spain" Netherlands major enemy" became one with Portugal because King Felipe of spain bacame also king of Portugal, so Brazil,( but it was just for 40/50 years) so Netherlands invade the northeast region (Pernambuco, Bahia, Ceará) where most of sugar cane was planted, that's why in these region ( the poorest of Brazil) you can see black people with blue eyes. than we had the gold rush in Minas Gerais, the capital was transfered from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro(the best traduction is River from January) during this time there was A revolution against Portugal to have Minas independence because of the abusive taxes, and ways portugal arange to take a lot of money from Brazil 20% of everything we once had in Brazil was taken to Portugal, didn't worked. In 1808 the King of Portugal D.Jõao VI (Jonh VI) escape to Brazil because of napoleon who threatened to invade Portugal, and did after The king escape with all his family,nobles,important people from governament,money and all stuff to Brazil ( with British Marine and for a long time only the English trade in Brazilian harbours) and made Brazil the Capital of Portuguse Empire and in 1820 ( after he went back to Portugal) his son Pedro I (Peter I of Brazil, or Peter IV of Portugal) Who married Pricess Leopoldina, from Austria, declared the Independence and Became the Emperor of the Brazilian Empire( Uruguay was a Brazilian province, until nowadays the don't like us a lot.) was a parliament Empire, then his father João VI died and Pedro I went to Portugal and Became King of Portugal. We also had his son Pedro II ( Peter II) as our last and best emperor of Brazil( is Because of him that we have a city in the state of Rio the Janeiro(There is the state and the city, the city is the capital of the state) Petropolis, the imperial city because there was the summer palace of them and Teresopolis because of his wife Tereza.( just to get clear he was a good Emperor and so liberal that even the U.S " a republic" was amazed with it. One more detail is that before the Republic came he asked to become a president and not an Emperor.) His daugher Princess Isabel was who signed the famous "Lei Aurea" wich freed the slaves in 1888.(there is a famous pharase in Brazil. " We were the last countrie in America to have independence, to free the slaves and to have a Republic." until nowadays we have princes and princesses that decend from the Emperor living in Brazil ready to take the governor with the people want to.( it would be good, be sure of that) well see for more details in wikipedia or send me a message and I gave more details. After the empire we had what we called " old republic" in wich was everything except a republic because just those who owned coffe farms could vote, just the rich. We sent some medicals to the WWI but we remained neutral, in the firts not the second, then in 1930 there was a coup d'etat and Getulio Vargas ( yes like Feliciano and Lovinno Vargas)become dictator and in the first years was very, very near to the Nazi Germany ( both dictatorships) but the U.S.A enter the war and to avoid be invaded we sent some soldiers to fight in Italy we call then " Pracinhas" and we have a monument for then. after the War Vargas comit suicide with tha famous phrase " Saio da vida para entrar pra historia." "leave life to enter history"then we had some presidents, most of then corrupted, and JK the "pharao" Jucelino kubichek who ordered to build a useless city, in the midle of nothing, dry like hell and made it the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, before that Rio was the capital, after that Rio bacame the second city and a declining city. than in 1964 the militar to avoid communists came to Brazil made a dictatorship(there was a movement to finish this and make a "democracy", actually to put the bloody communism, and now all of those revolutionaries are politicians) the fact is that the military just leave the governament after making an election for the next president. nowadays those "revolutionaries" are politicians ( note 99.9% of Brazilian Politicians are corupts, and rule everything since a long time.)that's just a summary of Brazilian history for more detail send me a messange. now just interresting facts. The state that Brazilians make more fun is Acre( because there is absolutelly nothing there, because is forgotten and because noone in Brazil are really interrested in Acre that we bought from Bolivia) In Brazil as the politicians have a socialist and communist thoghts( any Brazilian party says to the people as captalist) so we are very near to: Russia, China, North Korea and pricipaly Cuba. Actualy Brazil was the second countrie with more imigrants from Europe ( after U.S) so we have lots, lots, lots of descendants from : Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan, Poland...( we almost have citys of just Italians, just Germans, just Polish. "the third greatest oktoberfest of the world is in Blumenau, Brazil) but pricipaly... Portuguse all brazilian has at least one portuguse born in the family.( and yes we joke then a lot) Actually brazilians joke with every nation: we say that portuguese are all stupids( that's true) have great moustache, just eat codfish ( sometimes we also say that they are codfish) we say that French are all gay ( hetalia teached me that they are just perv )and gross, we also say italians are all cowards ( that's true) and move to much there hands to talk ( we also move a lot the hands to talk, belive me) we say Germans are unable to laugh and much others. And the joke that koreans eat dog just dosen't exists we say Chinese eat dogs. But the second nation we make more jokes ( first Portugal) is Argentina, we say they are all very bigheaded, all have long hair, all are gay and all love maradona. ( actually the only thing argentinians really make well, very well is alfajor, for those who don't know, is a kinda cake, made by sweet milk between two biscuits and covered with a chocolate icing, it's wonderfull) Talking about argentina they realy hate us and we realy hate them. Football is the pricipal but also is because Argentina thinks are the most pwerfull In south-America and Brazil thinks he is the most important one so we have this thing.(But in anyways mess with Argentina or any other coutrie in south america bacause if You do you will ahve a war with Brazil) But actually all south americans republics hate a bit Brazil, principaly Paraguay( we made a great war againt them, actually the only war we really made, and now they just sell bad guality products to us) We realy have some poisonous animals and plants but they are in Amazon what takes just 30%/40% of our territory but we have at least 70% of all amazon with us and the rest is with at least 4 or 5 neighbours of ours but we have a lot of cute animals like golden lion tamarin( sorry we are seen in south america as Russia is seen in Europe and asia)YES, we have bananas! We love bananas we use a lot of bananas. And yes they are a realy perv sing in Brazil just to have an idea as in brazil is prohibited to show males genitalia in TV we use Bananas for condom advertisement ( hohoho, France loves that) and banana is so cheap but so cheap that in U.S.A with 2 dollars you buy 1 or 2 bananas with 2 dollars You buy from 14 to 20 bananas in Brazil ( when brazilians want to say that something is realy cheap we say that " is as cheap as bananas") well this is a bit of Brazil, expected it helped You please fix those things and for any doubt send a messange.
Ciao Veeeeehhhh
inactuser chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
that was awsome...i have to drag brazil away now...CIAOOOO
The Storm Veradea chapter 2 . 6/9/2012
Your story is in violation of FFN Guidelines because it contains no story content. Please replace or remove the chapter.

-Storm of FoxClan-
Vampchick2010 chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
haha this was funny.
Ken Adams chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Brazil was colonized by Portugal, not Spain.
The Hatter Alchemist chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
OMG! IT WAS WOW! You are a realy gpod wrighter. Hey, do you think you can do one for France... That would be ssssoooo funny!

please do it you will be realy good at it...

- The Hatter Alchemist
Nyuu-neechan chapter 1 . 2/3/2012
It's nice. I just have to point out that Brazil wasn't at Spain hands before Portugal. When they found the New World, Spain and Portugal agreed to shared the new lands and Portugal got Brazil's litoral. After that, in 1580, Portugal was "anexed" to Spain during 60 years, so tecnically Brazil was in Spain's hands for a while, even though Portugal still had Brazil as its colony. Then, Brazil started to expand its territory and getting Spanish lands for itself, or buying and selling lands. In the end, we got this big xD But the most important, the Portuguese was always present in Brazil's history since 1500 :)
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