Reviews for Bring It On Home
TheExiledOfCamelot chapter 15 . 10/24/2023
I have read this entire story for two reasons.

1. The amazing fun story you created.

2. Your fing notes are the things that give me life in such a glib world and are the B-Plot to this story. Because holy sh*t “That’s beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.

The Wincest lives there.” made me spit out my metaphorical tea.
Amethyst-Req chapter 30 . 10/19/2023
one of my favorite all time fics. I come back to reread every so often. great work.
PhroggyOne chapter 30 . 11/15/2022
Holy crap, that was amazing!
drgenack chapter 30 . 8/22/2021
I spent the majority of my day reading this story I'll have you know. And thank you for that. I love this story!
(BTW I also want to touch the abs. Should we form a line?)
Guest chapter 30 . 7/20/2021
This was lovely. Thank you for all your hard work. The effort you've put into your writing really shows. You deserve all the hugs and cookies and ponies and sexy times; we readers already have our reward. This story makes me want to bring you midnight lettuce. 3
thatwaywardwalflower chapter 1 . 4/24/2021
So since that comment is literally illegible I repeat I reviewed without realising I wasn’t logged in and I know there quite a few reviews already but your character work is amazing and these guys are so spot on! My heart is a fucking puddle right now and I don’t even know what to do. Man you are bloody talented!
thatwaywardwalflower chapter 30 . 4/24/2021
Please Ignore my typos cuz my brain is too preoccupied with tf win this fic at the moment
thatwaywardwalflower chapter 1 . 4/24/2021
U review before realising I wasn’t logged in. Anyway once again I absolutely love your work and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the dialogue and the accuracy of the situation here. Man I laughed so
Much and my heart is a fucking puddle right now!
Guest chapter 30 . 4/24/2021
Hi I don’t even know how I stumbled upon this but it is gold. I have never laughed so much and my heart is a blubbering mess. I have to say you are a wonderful writer never once in these 30 pages was I bored. These chapters were not too long. And you got the characters spot on. Even if they are not the original versions of Cas and Dean they still have the Essenes of those characters. And I just have to say amazing amazing amazing Cas dialogue. I genuinely loved this. It’s great work and I really hope you get somewhere amazing with your writing. You are really talented
evelynsage chapter 30 . 1/21/2021
So I know there's already a thousand reviews but I just stayed up until 4 am reading this entire story so thanks!
Survivah chapter 27 . 12/22/2020
So I come back and re-read this fic every three years or so, on average, and ONLY NOW am I realizing that Dean’s note is an acrostic reading PEMDAS. The LAYERSS
Guest chapter 30 . 12/19/2020
SylvieWinchester chapter 30 . 4/27/2020
OMG,the story is amazing. Literally,the best destiel fic i have ever read. Thank you so much for the great story
DesireInHisEyes chapter 30 . 10/22/2019
this was beautiful
Solar-Drag0n chapter 3 . 9/27/2019
OH MY GOD MY CHARACTERS DO THE SAME THING AND NONE OF MY FAMILY UNDERSTANDS IT SO I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY. I’m really glad I’m not the only one who has characters that do what they want.

Me too Cas. Daytime is not my tea. Hence why I’m reading to wind down and actually fall asleep since I stayed up all night for reasons.

Dean you’re as straight as a slinky.

Oh boy oh boy. Do I smell character development with cas going clean? I’m a sucker for those tropes.

Yikes. That stings.
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