Reviews for Path of the King
FallenSage chapter 60 . 2/5
Great job I can’t wait to read more.
Guest chapter 60 . 2/1
Just FYI to those who don't know, but the author as over 30 more chapters on Patreon. The story is incredibly bleak and just generally unhappy with few bright spots. And the authors love for NTR also rears its head in a fashion, though not in an entirely sexual manner. Read at your own risk.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7
nierisgudcivilization you are fucking retarded
"loving it so far, thanks for adding the publish date btw. i don't get the people who nitpick abt every single little detail"

They're not small details, if this fanfic respected the verse logic, it wouldn't even be possible, rin can't summon artoria, connecting fate and tsukihime is stupid too
Anon chapter 1 . 1/7
Path of cringe.
AngelicWisdom chapter 19 . 12/21/2024
Hello, been some time since i read this and im going through it all again while i catch up on what I’ve missed since… i think it was 2017 or so? Anyway, i just wanted to stop and say something about the little tie-in in this chapter.

Akiha supremacy, that is all.

Jokes aside i wanted to let you know that just like years ago im loving the story. I really feel for Rin and Sakura so far and her thoughts in this chapter honestly make me wonder what a world where Shirou had no magic would look like concerning the sisters. While the Archer persona wouldn’t exist in that story i imagine he would still have their eye.

Though i can already guess how it would go considering both of their personalities. Sakura would pointlessly give up her advantage and Rin would have a small island she can just be herself in without worrying her husband is off fighting Dead Apostles if she takes her eyes off him.

Hmm… well back to reading. I’ll have more to say once i’m caught up.
Anon chapter 16 . 12/6/2024
Rin can't summon artoria without avalon, Animes are not a good sources of information if you want to write a fanfic
Grafian chapter 30 . 12/6/2024
Rereading this killer of a fic after a couple of years and I have to say I really like how Shirou, Ciel and Caren are all, at their core, very similar in their self-sacrificing nature caused by their PTSD(survivor's guilt, being used like a meatpuppet by Roa, psycho father).
nierisgudcivilization chapter 47 . 12/5/2024
omg guys imagine this is alcides
nierisgudcivilization chapter 39 . 12/5/2024
nierisgudcivilization chapter 32 . 12/4/2024
loving it so far, thanks for adding the publish date btw. i don't get the people who nitpick abt every single little detail. this fic alrdy started out with divergence from 10 years pre-canon. There's little reason to assume everything ought to be the same. I will repeat again, this has been such a fun read so far. The tsukihime arc threw me for a loop, mainly cuz i wanted to see more medea interactions, but i was genuinely surprised to find myself enjoying that arc a lil too much. Oboro sounds like a cool dude, oc right? Anyways, im truly glad satsuki joined the emiya squad, i just hope shes here to stay
HalfmoonSilver80 chapter 11 . 11/24/2024
This fic is so well written that I'm already in loved at chapter 11. Like wow.
evilstatistic19 chapter 60 . 11/23/2024
Good chapter I'm looking forward to the next one
Guest chapter 52 . 11/20/2024
1, I agree with everything you said in the Addendum.

2 - “If you can see Kuzuki beating Saber, as he did, but not Shirou beating Lancer the way he has, the problem is with your eyes.” THIS RIGHT HERE, is the F-ING greatest Burn on this Platform.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/25/2024
You completely scuffing how grail master selection works. Gathering things together and performing a ritual does nothing more than formalize it. It doesn’t actually summon servants, otherwise anyone can do it. The grail selects masters beforehand and slaps command seals on them as proof. You cant just chant some lines with a catalyst and become a master. This is honestly too flagrant a mistake to excuse. Youve clearly seen the anime, maybe played the games or even read the manga, so its no accident. Youre being sloppy and negligent with the story. The fact that rin is even CONTEMPLATING summoning a servant without command seals completely undermines her intelligence and upbringing. And no “theyll appear when the servant is summoned” is not an excuse, nor how it works. Its putting the cart before the horse, or in magecraft terms: spell failure. Which in the nasuverse, on that scale, world result in something like a horrifying scene of an exploding tsundere.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/25/2024
I thought he was getting saber too. Now ive immediately lost interest in this story
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