Reviews for They Shook Hands : Year 1 (New Version)
ad chapter 1 . 6/10/2021
Millie15128 chapter 2 . 4/22/2021
What about Daphne Greengrass? I would like to see her in this story as well and I think they would make a great pairing...
ArkhCthuul chapter 6 . 3/22/2021
Rereading the Story for the second time.

Which should. Tell. You how much I like it.

Especially since it avoids the pitfalls of many a Harry in slitherin story of being too obvious about "plans of Dumbledore are everything" or " Snape is too much of an asshat".

Thank you.
Umpteenth Walker chapter 1 . 2/5/2021
I'd always wanted to read a fic where Harry and Draco are friends, and the Slytherinarentasbadastheyseem trope isn't overdone. This story caters to my needs perfectly. Thank you for creating a masterpiece.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2021
Guest chapter 6 . 1/12/2021
Water does boil at 100 degrees? That’s literally boiling point?
258026683 chapter 9 . 12/17/2020
too slow progress ...
258026683 chapter 5 . 12/17/2020
oh poor Crabbe
258026683 chapter 3 . 12/17/2020
Good! Great chapter. They are child-like and Slytherin-ish. I love the part where Harry adapt to their humor and joke. a totally new environment! confusing and unsure!
Pheonixwritesandstuff chapter 19 . 11/18/2020
Heather Duke? From Heathers? E
Panjason chapter 9 . 11/6/2020
I feel like Quidich would be much more fun if they treated the seeker like a running-back for football.
I hope there is more cooperation shown between Harry and some of the other players like between a Running-back and his linemen.
Notsky chapter 6 . 11/3/2020
Hey, love this! and uh, you probably have gotten this alot since this came out, but water does boil at 100 degrees.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/10/2020
Water does boil at 100
Guest chapter 19 . 8/23/2020
Guest chapter 12 . 8/23/2020
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