Reviews for Dusty
xxGabsxx chapter 38 . 5/22/2015
I have never been so affected by a story than I have by Dusty. I literally was sobbing even after there was nothing left to read. Maybe because I found it so relatable. I had my own Dusty. He wasn't an addict, but the hot-and-cold, up-and-down, emotional roller coaster that was him and Bliss was all too familiar to me. I like the way this ended. Addicts don't always get the happy ending, and to just have everything turn out so easily would've been a great injustice to the story. But just like with addicts, there's always hope and that final "Hello" was hope. In my own head, I'd like to think Bliss eventually helped Dusty overcome his addiction and they had their own happy ending - whatever that may have entailed. Such an amazing story, thanks for telling it.
vampbirch chapter 38 . 5/17/2015
Over the past year, this is the millionth time I've read this epilogue, and... okay, here we go.
The fanfiction epilogue is so much different than the book version. Better, kind of. I still want to scream.
I did scream the first time.
Really, you broke my heart. Like, more than you broke Bliss'. I get it. I do. But it still hurts, and I can't stop reading.
This is a blessing and a curse.
I write angst. I love writing angst. But there is literally only so much angst one person can write, and this is an overdose, and that's exactly why it's so addicting. It's physically effecting. I still don't know how you did it. How did you tolerate so much pain?
It's just a book, but it's not. I've almost set fire to the paperback once, and then I clutched onto it until I fell asleep.
I have tried, and I bought copies for my friends to read, but no one wants to read with the plot being so disheartening. So I really can't tell you what breaks my heart more, Bliss, or that no one else will read this f*cking book.
I can't make them, but I'm so tempted to. What can I say to my friends to make them read Dusty? "It will tear you apart, but that's love. Read it and weep." No. It's not the best...
I'm not going to say that I'm like Bliss, because I wasn't at all like her. I wasn't innocent like her, but I was little sister and picked on and loved all the same. "The sluts" I knew. I met my Dusty when I was five, and he ran away to California when I was eighteen.
My friends hated me, because I was a sucker and always went back to him. The things I did for love would make Bliss palm her face.
He still seeks me out.
Enough bullcrap about me. So:
So to me, I know how this book ends: it doesn't.
This book is so crazy, and it's life. We're all suckers for someone, love is going to knock us down over and over again. We just remember to keep breathing through it, and eventually breathing won't seem so corrupting.
Breathe with me Bliss *inhales and exhales* repeat.
It's been a long time, and I still cannot properly put into words how I feel about Dusty.
This rant helped me put some things into perspective, but I lost them already.
Mostly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, thank you. For understanding.
lulu52 chapter 38 . 5/13/2015
great fic!
This is it... this is life.
Newton15 chapter 38 . 4/6/2015
Sally-anna Fanfic chapter 38 . 4/6/2015
Wow, to say this story is amazing is just not enough. This story consumes you, it grabs hold of you and drags you along through all their hurt, passion and pain. To write this without going through it is just pure fucking talent. I don't know where your words came from, but I can't imagine anyone writing this who hasn't been through it, suffered it, felt it, lived it.
The words are just too deep, too heart felt, too real. But I hope to god that neither of you have felt an ounce of their pain and its just down to absolutely
Amazing writing.
The Hearts pov was genius and deserved the right to be heard. Bellas heart was her compass in this story and it only really knew one direction.
The ending was perfect, I'll take the ending, I'll take the not quite knowing whats next, I'll take the no hearts and flowers and I'll take the no 2.5 kids, white picket fence and a dog, because there was no funeral and there was no Garrett or Victoria or Mixie or Lolita, but there was hope and possibility and two hearts that just beat for each other and at the moment thats enough.
Thank you both x
Sally-anna Fanfic chapter 15 . 3/29/2015
I have so many feelings towards Edward in this chapter, I don't even know where to begin. I want to punch him and hate him for ruining not only his, but Bella's life, with all the shit hes putting into his body, but then I want to hold him tight and just love him like he wants to be loved. Their relationship is toxic and will only destroy the both of them, Edward is definitely self destructing and the fallout is gonna be devastating.
I'm loving this story and your words are heartbreakingly beautiful
ElizMAC chapter 36 . 3/26/2015
This was, by far, the stupidest chapter of fanfiction i have ever read. Ever. Ever. I love this story, its one of the best ive read, but referring to the coke as a her, and then this? I had to read it twice just to follow it.
Sally-anna Fanfic chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
Wow, I have an awful feeling this is gonna be an on going thing with them, and it breaks my heart x
thenewEmily chapter 38 . 3/26/2015
I can't believe I made it to the end. I hope you get published someday because I feel like this is a really great story and not necessarily a Twilight fanfiction

I was always team Victoria, because it never was her fault and I want to like, slap Edward and Bella, to give them some reason.
liz.c.young.7 chapter 38 . 3/24/2015
Your heart tugging story was filled with so many different emotions, and it made me feel everything your characters were feeling or being recklessly thrown in to. You gave your main characters vulnerability and their strengths and weaknesses were written like a fine violinist.
I must say that your ending was stellar! We know that Vic most likely texted Dusty, Bliss's number, and that made for a MOST pleasant and unexpected unknown number phone call.
I feel like I could wrap myself in your story and play your characters in to a sweet outcome for the both them.
Your storytelling is so vivid and takes me from place to place, character to character and top to bottom in a way that just keeps the reader captured and finding themselves cheering, crying and feeling sadness, hatred and love for our antagonist. Then there are times that you have think 'wow' the antagonist flows effortlessly back at forth between our main lovelies. Great writing! Will read your other stories now.
RobPatObsessed chapter 38 . 3/23/2015
Pleeeeeeeaaaaase let there be a sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase
RobPatObsessed chapter 36 . 3/23/2015
This Is the hardest chapter I have ever read! I was literally crying my eyes out! The way her heart describes what it feels is just tortuous.
Loves Dusty chapter 38 . 3/21/2015
Just re read this amazing story. The ending kills me though... There's an outtake i never knew about that i just read and is tough. The hurt, the pain. I always wonder about myself- why do i gravitate towards these angst filled stories? My life is simple and easy, maybe i need a little pretend drama, lol. Here's the link for the outtake s/9194916/1/Slow-Fading#top
yankeerose chapter 38 . 3/17/2015
yankeerose chapter 3 . 3/4/2015
OMG...I was Bliss! seriously, everyone in my neighborhood was a tough guy or a tomboy girl. I was the one with the painted (light pink) nails and wore lots of dresses...LOL
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