Reviews for CollarRedux: Six Days of Christmas
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2013
I see why this was featured on Cracked. com.
Wow chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
House inexplicably a submissive slave in a "verse" that has nothing to do with the real show and is just a poor excuse for porn? No wonder this made Cracked's 'The 6 Craziest Pieces of Christmas Fanfiction.'
Visitkarte chapter 6 . 11/4/2012
Niiice! Way to explain the infarction story debacle in the collar verse. I bet they got in big trouble for damaging him big time, after all, the jerks!
damigella chapter 6 . 1/1/2012
Is THIS the infarction? Gagged and heartbroken in a cage on Christmas day? You don't do happy endings, indeed. (And with THAT Wilson in his future too).

But good to know about Dani, she already has a really crappy husband to deal with.

Thank you so much, and my best wishes for a happy, healthy 2012 full of wonderfully written, AU-while-IC, heartbreaking perfect fics.
Visitkarte chapter 6 . 12/31/2011
Oh, dear, this is your infarction story for collar verse House? Sh... Well, at least, this makes sense.
TombeDeLaLune chapter 6 . 12/31/2011
so much for not damaging him!

That was so sad! Stacy! you Beeech! chapter 6 . 12/31/2011
**...and yeah, I don't do fluffy happy endings. Not even at Christmas.

LOL - you really don't do you?

I think this may be my favourite story of the christmas specials. Great to see Greg's POV post Stacy breakup, how devestating to go from being a real human being occasionally back to being just a slave, a piece of equipment. The contrast between how he spent last christmas and the kitchen supervisor giving him two handfuls of slave chow to eat on Christmas day is so poignant, and she knows his name but will never use it (: I've always wondered what greg post breakup was like, I think there was a reference to him being uncontrollable or something at this time and this illustrates it wonderfully. And of course the guards treatment of him by gagging him and putting him in the cage for 24 hours is one of the worse things they could have done to him, and then you pile the infarction on top of that, and it fits and makes sense why treatment is delayed.

Thanks so much for this christmas series, enjoyed them all very much, lots of new CollarVerse canon there :) (And a nice antidote to my Christmas sugar pill :)
damigella chapter 5 . 12/29/2011
This was absolutely perfect. Shpwing us in a nutshell the difficulties about "dating" a slave, when not even your own brother, who's already on his second marriage, can respect your relatipnship. And yet in this world it's Martin and Cuddy who are normal, and Stacy who's so much above average that she can see Greg for what he is: a brilliant, loveworthy human being. I especially appreciated the remark that Stacy is not so much kinder as more intelligent than the rest.

I must admit I feel sorry for Dani, though. She didn't do anything wrong, and now she'll probably have to leave behind a small child - and finding out on Christmas day can't be good either.

Poor Greg, in this universe Stacy IS the love of his life, and rightly so. chapter 5 . 12/28/2011
Oh, I feel for Greg in this story, you can see how uneasy he is at the situation. And yet, through all that, still diagnosing, even though he would have been easier on him to keep that to himself he helps Dani - even after Martin had obviously shown his contempt for him. Loving these little glimpses of the House and Stacy relationship.
Ravenhurst chapter 5 . 12/26/2011
I really enjoy watching Stacy navigate Greg's being a slave while trying to have a relationship with him. They're so interesting together.
damigella chapter 4 . 12/26/2011
That was perfect! House being able to NOT be a slave when with Stacy. No wonder he was heartbroken without her... and no wonder Wilson's not going anywhere.

Your Stacy is an incredibly lovable character (the presents from the sisters in law made me roar with laughter). I'm sure House loves Bach, and I'm wondering what Stacy's present is. Looking forward to the next installment.

Thank you so much for giving us this series - all the fascination of the collarverse without too much physical pain for Greg, and even occasional glimpses of fleeting happiness.
Visitkarte chapter 4 . 12/26/2011
Sigh... She should have bought him some music instrument... I forgot, did she do that? She could have passed it as "entertaining tool" for her own sake. chapter 4 . 12/26/2011
I like Stacy's thought that she should add Brenda to her Christmas card gift list - presumably to help secure her co-operation in letting Greg go in good time, also presumably the motive for keeping Cuddy onside. The hypocrisy and falseness of many aspects of Christmas (the sisters buying presents for her brothers, the instant deocration of the apartment by slave labour) is highlighted. I love the little hints that Greg's life *before* becoming a slave wasn't exactly all puppies and sunshine. And the importance to Greg of the music, something that is so important to him, and that is for the most part denied to him (and Stacys casual thought that it doesn't matter that the tree covers the stereo because *she* doesn't use it, shows that she doesn't think of Greg as a full time partner - though who can blame her for that, when she is very restricted in the time he can spend with her.

Sad to read the Greg and Stacy years knowing that she eventually breaks up with him but the cracks are already there.
ghostboi chapter 3 . 12/25/2011
im rather new to the collarredux world. so far im enjoying it )
Visitkarte chapter 3 . 12/25/2011
I love Stacy's reluctance regarding tagging House. She is right, he is not a pet, he is a top rate doctor. But well, we know she will need to do that to make his life easier.
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