Reviews for ASP Discontinued
Aluwen chapter 2 . 1/3/2012
I'm loving this fic so far, thanks for writing it.

I think the plot is rather original and I personally love Trixie, would like to see more shipping but that's beside the point. I did not notice any spelling or grammar mistakes, so good job editing, I wish I could help you beta reading but I'm on a trip right now.

Anyways thanks once again for writing, I'm waiting eagerly for the next chapter.

PS: loving the latin.
jman377355 chapter 2 . 1/3/2012
I didn't notice any spelling or grammar errors. Another good chapter, like that you're switching perspectives here. Helps keep it fresh.
TalontheWolf chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Hrmm, an Elderich book of magical secrets, Trixie and Twilight... I must read more of this. Excellent job, though I wouldn't thought trading with a dragon wouldn't been more difficult. Though that's minor, otherwise very interestin, and a good read.
westjgames chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
I have to say, your opening with the book feels short, then again, everypony's openings seem short to me.

However, I really like where this is going. Good luck with the rest of it!
jman377355 chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
Very nice starr and it has a more approachable style of writing than Cratermarks. You've got me excited about this one, Trixie is one of my favorite ponies. Looking forward to more.
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