Reviews for The Cruelty and Fairness of Fate
chatterbox-hikaru13 chapter 26 . 9/4/2005
hiya, crawlspace-sama! hehehe...i'm so anxious for the next installment of 'tangled web' that i started reading 'fate' again...hehehe..._

nweis, the reason for my review again was...i wanted something clarified. why did ami refused to go with makoto when haruka offered them a ride? mako-chan already said she wouldn't be imposing, but why didn't she wanted to come? i guess what i'm asking was stupid, but try as i might, i couldn't find an answer. could you please grace me with a little explanation? one more thing...what about that time when hotaru asked the couples about their 'first anniversary', the part where haruka thought back to hotaru's weird behavior and her words of 'ami's with her' and that 'everything's gonna be alright' because they have each other? i'm sorry if i'm not making sense, but i haven't had the chance to see the whole of sailor moon, so i'm in the dark when it comes to certain scenes, especially those concerning haruka and michiru. believe it or not, the only season i've seen in full was the "s" season, and a little bit of the "stars". pity, ne?

nweis, thanks for bothering to read these. hehehe..._ and if you decide to answer the questions, well, you can email me at agosto_trese . thanks!

peace, man!

Prince-Kitten chapter 29 . 8/17/2005
Awesome story! I couldn't stop reading it. Seriously, I've been staring at the computer screen for quite some time now. Well worth the strain on my eyes.
freakyicefairy chapter 6 . 8/13/2005
I was just going through this story yet another time cause I love it so much *_* and I just remembered what watashi means. It means I AM. lol, the teacher name, Watashi-sensei, means I am teacher? lol, that is so funny. Classic name. *high five* for the creativity.

well ja ne till you update your other story *_*,

Kamikoko chapter 29 . 7/28/2005
Ive been reading this story over the last week and a half and I must say that its one of the best fanfictions Ive ever read! I honestly didnt want it to ever end.. The characters were depicted so thoroughly, and developed even more so. Youre a very talented writer... Im actually quite jealous of your talent. I look forward to reading the sequels with great exuberance - keep on doing what youre doing! Greatest respects to you, Crawlspace-sama.

- Kami-chan
TenouNatsumi chapter 29 . 7/11/2005
I have been reading this story for the past three weeks and have fallen in love with it. I never want it to end. Everything that as occured in this story whether good or bad, excluding the supernatural stuff of course, has recently been some aspect of my life as of late. Including the baby and all. My ex-girlfriend is currently pregnant with our first baby. And I call it my baby because I'm still feel greatly connected to her and I love the idea of raising a baby with her whether we're together or not. So I just wanted to commend you on a great story and I hope that you continue soon. Please. :'( Ja ne. :)
Sei-So chapter 29 . 4/17/2005
**applauds** Well done! This is an incredible fic. I loved the way you wrote our favorite characters and couple interactions. I can now see why this fic is on everybody's "Favorite" list. It's on mine too! Thank you so much for writing it and I hope to continue to read your work!
Chibifaye chapter 28 . 3/29/2005
I've been reading this story for a very long time because I never read all the way through. But anyhoo, I really liked this chapter and I am not sure if I want to read the last chaptter because I know that it'll end. But just so you can know how GREAT this story is, I feel emotions while reading this...and I cried when the Ami was handed the scissors...This is so Beautiful..Thank you.
Kelly Love chapter 1 . 1/17/2005
I've never been so utterly moved, so thoroughly affected, so totally overcome with emotion as ever before reading mere words on a computer screen. Crawlspace's richly detailed writing follows a pleasant pace that casts the Sailor Moon characters in an intensely bright and realistic light.

With each scrolling of the window, she holds the reader in rapt attention, instilling giggles, grins, sadness, and even pained sobbing as the events unfold. From the discovery of the pregnancy, to the multiple missed opportunities for Ami and Mako to open themselves up to each other, to the outing of Rei by her own father, to the tiny little moments of captured joy in between such fateful events, Crawlspace weaves many story threads into a cohesive tapestry of just stunning detail and endearing richness.

I hope she will again grace us with another fan novel.
Kibou chapter 29 . 12/19/2004
This is the best AmiMako fanfiction I've ever read. I even started confusing this fic with the actual series at one point.
apl85 chapter 29 . 12/10/2004
That was a very good story you wrote. I like your writing style very much and i hope to read more of your stories down the road.
Jaimie Daly chapter 29 . 11/20/2004
This story can be described in one word, UNBELIEVABLE. This was a really well written story and I am very impressed that you could write that much. It was very long and it took me a while to read it but it was worth it.
Tanny chapter 29 . 10/24/2004
Great story! Loved every minute of it. :)
Jonathan Priest chapter 1 . 8/18/2004
This is such an incredibly wonderful story you've compiled here. I wasn't sure if a review would get to you as it was published so long ago, but seeing you've written more work recently I felt it would. I'm a big fan of nearly all types of anime, and I stumbled upon yours by accident, but I can say I'm truly in love with your writing style. The words and ideas are so fluent and smooth I could literally picture the entire scene and you've done a wonderful job building conflict and resolution. Needless to say, this story is going on my favorites list, and I'm looking forward to anything new you have planned with this pair. This was a superb story. Great job.
kariohki chapter 29 . 7/12/2004
This story has the honor of keeping me up until 5:00 AM just so I didn't have to end at a cliffhanger. Very well done!
Kelly chapter 29 . 7/8/2004
WOW! I love your fic ! Once I started to read it I couldn't walk away! I hope I fine more great stories in your profile, keep it up! ;)
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