Reviews for The Biology Project
Leah C. Drawn chapter 18 . 1/6/2023
Can I just say I find it funny that Charlie is so encouraging of Bella having a dating life as opposed to the cliche overprotective dad. Like, my dad used to be like that too when I was in high school, bc he knew what a wuss I was. It was only after I actually started dating that he went “wait a moment” but I think he just feels like that’s how he should react lol. Anyway, I’ve been really enjoying this, so thanks!
Angellovee chapter 70 . 5/24/2022
Definitely going on my all time favorites list. I love when I find a story that I somehow missed. Great job! From one Steph to another.
Angellovee chapter 54 . 5/23/2022
If Carlisle shows up I’m gonna hurt him
Angellovee chapter 52 . 5/23/2022
I hope Bella tells him more of what she’s thought about. Maybe then he’d see that he’s not as strange as he thinks. Let’s play the My Fantasy game
Angellovee chapter 50 . 5/23/2022
Oh Carlisle wouldn’t dare. Has he been busy since he’s been out of the house without Esme seeing what he’s doing?
Angellovee chapter 47 . 5/23/2022
Busted. It’s about time Emmett got caught
Angellovee chapter 44 . 5/23/2022
I’m sure Alice and Jasper will be a prime example of a healthy relationship no matter what they’re into
Angellovee chapter 43 . 5/23/2022
Oh. I got chills even though this was bound to happen. Can’t stop giggling.
Angellovee chapter 42 . 5/23/2022
Squeaky bed? Oh hell no, those blankets and pillows are going on the floor and I’m going with them
Angellovee chapter 40 . 5/23/2022
I wonder what she could do that might make him have to be quiet
Angellovee chapter 39 . 5/23/2022
He’d be in that bathroom all day if he knew what she really wanted
Angellovee chapter 37 . 5/23/2022
Finally. He’s been torturing himself and not understanding that there was never a reason. I wonder how this will effect his needs.
Angellovee chapter 35 . 5/23/2022
At this point I think Bella could relieve his pain for him
Angellovee chapter 34 . 5/23/2022
Right. Who’s the monster now?
Angellovee chapter 33 . 5/23/2022
So I’m guessing they never talked to Tanya either. I wonder if she would straighten Carlisle’s twisted views.
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