Reviews for Kill Me Now
SomeoneKnew chapter 29 . 11/17/2015
It's the end already?
Rude person living in my head: Good. It was getting too run-on and boring after she was a faerie.
Me: Oi! But sadly, it's a bit true. However, it's still awesome! Is this abandoned or something? If so, tell us! If it's on hiatus, say so! If you just forgot about it, let us know! You cannot just end it like this.
SomeoneKnew chapter 28 . 11/17/2015
F-five hundred and eighty-three? That's... that's older than Jack! And Jack is ooolllld...
Jack: Hey!
Me: It's true, Frostbite.
Jack: Dude, just because I have white hair does NOT mean I'm old!
Me: *rolls eyes* And neither does being born three hundred and twenty years ago.
Jack: ...
Me: Oh my Rowling! This is great! *takes photo* BUNNY! Get in here! I got the imp speechless!
Bunny: Really? *looks at Jack* Wow, sheila, great work! I thought it was impossible.
Jack: *unfreezes* (haha. Jack Frost. Unfreezes. Haha.) Hey! Give me that camera!
Me: Nope. *clutches camera*
Mei: Belle. You do realise you have no way of ending this roleplay gracefully?
Me: Maayyybe...
Mei: *sigh* Ignore my insane twin. She's not the best at thinking ahead.
Me: Who're you calling crazy? You don't even exist! You're the outcome of my own thoughts!
Mei: Sis, you're not doing the best at convincing us you aren't loopy.
Me: ... Let's just get to the next chapter.
SomeoneKnew chapter 27 . 11/16/2015
G'night. Great chapter!
SomeoneKnew chapter 26 . 11/16/2015
Noooo! Not Isa! I don't know what I'd do if Alis died, and I wouldn't want to be England if Flying Mint Bunny were gone. :( Sadness.
SomeoneKnew chapter 25 . 11/16/2015
Austria! And Japan! Woohoo! They must do a duet! The twins demand it! XD And Lichtenstein is SO ADORABSLES! Love it!
SomeoneKnew chapter 24 . 11/16/2015
I'm so sorry about your uncle. :( Death can be horrid.
SomeoneKnew chapter 23 . 11/16/2015
Random, unrelated comment for a random, mostly-unrelated chapter. America's 'Marukaite Chikyuu' is one of the few rock songs I like, along with England's. 'Moving forward with a hot dog in my hand! A-me-ri-ca!' Hahaha. :)
SomeoneKnew chapter 22 . 11/16/2015
Welp. That happened. I must admit, I'm as lost as Prussia.
SomeoneKnew chapter 21 . 11/16/2015
Best chapter yet. :)
SomeoneKnew chapter 20 . 11/16/2015
Chaos. Pure, wonderful chaos. :D I love it!
SomeoneKnew chapter 19 . 11/16/2015
Ooh! She's like England and me! That's great! :)
SomeoneKnew chapter 18 . 11/16/2015
Do you feel like something is wrong with gay people or are you just a lily-livered Umbridge-following homophobe? Because if it's either of those, this bisexual chick and her lesbian twin are going to reach right through our computer screen and strangle you.
SomeoneKnew chapter 17 . 11/16/2015
I facepalmed so much and so hard I have a handprint on my forehead and it literally sounds like if you clap. However, I really enjoyed this chapter. :)
SomeoneKnew chapter 16 . 11/16/2015
Cornelius Fudge is the worst Minister of Magic ever. Great chapter though!
SomeoneKnew chapter 15 . 11/16/2015
Well then, here's some love. For the story and you.
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