Reviews for Elizium for the Sleepless Souls
vierna chapter 9 . 4/21/2024
Das Ende fand ich bissel lahm, aber Du hast Recht, es wäre eine völlig andere Geschichte. Das hätte nicht gepasst.
Die Geschichte war eine tolle Horrorgeschichte, die teilweise durchaus an Lovecraft erinnerte. Sehr gruselig! Als Film wäre es ein toller Erfolg, aber ich könnte es nie ansehen. Die Idee war großartig. Vielleicht denke ich langsam, aber ich hatte erst im 6. Kapitel einen handfesten Verdacht. Sehr gut geschrieben! Danke!
dav102102 chapter 9 . 4/3/2024
i read it in 3 hours lol
Guest chapter 1 . 3/1/2024
hi, i really love your work! i read this maybe 8 years ago and all your other hp works too, you have such an enrapturing talent for horror im still impressed and havent forgotten about this fic despite reading it so long ago. youre truly a gem of an author! I know you’re too busy to write fic probably nowadays, but in case you ever bothered logging in again, just know out of many many hp fics yours really stood out and inspired someone, and probably a lot more people out there! one day i hope you start writing again (not hp of course since harry isnt that interesting sadly) but on maybe an og work and i would be totally there to read it if you ever deigned to share it on here 3 thank you!
Difdi chapter 1 . 1/2/2024
You have a typo in the story name - it's spelled Elysium.
jaqmaq77 chapter 9 . 11/1/2023
Should have taken the blue pill... it's an interesting story... but I skipped half... it was like wading through treacle at points... like reading a dictionary, with too much information... like a description of a bedroom that describes everything in the room in minute detail... it's a great story... but have you ever checked out some of the jokes on the net? I checked one that took 27 minutes to get to the punchline... it was like listening to the telemarketers... neverending... my warranty on my washing machine is about to expire? Um... my washing machine is 30? Bloody hell... my original warranty must have been brilliant... (sod jinxed me... it packed up two weeks later)
Guest chapter 9 . 6/14/2023
Brilliant, unique premise and executed well; I think this is one of the most memorable fics I've ever read. I think about it from time to time when reading other fanfics because it just set such high standards when I first read it years ago. Holds up well for re-read, and just a great story overall!
Jimhh chapter 5 . 6/2/2023
Ok this story doesn't make since, and I will tell you why.

1) you have Harry and party using school yard spells against a death eater.

2) why not use the levitation spell to save people or move each other over gaps.

I could go on but I believe that is enough.
Hank1967 chapter 9 . 7/11/2022
Very interesting story! Took me a while to figure out what was going on. Rather a shame that poor girl had to die before Harry could figure things out, although at first it did appear that she was a plant. Enjoyed all the twists and turns. Who would have thought that Dolohov would be the one to help Harry escape? Kudos for taking the Dementor's Kiss and running with it. Very creative.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/9/2022
That. Was. Incredible!
Brilliant. Spine tingling. Utterly what I needed to reignite my hope for unique ideas in fanfiction. So inventive and cool! And I am way too tired to still be reviewing but I really loved this. Thanks so much for contributing to the fan community and putting this out there into the world! Love love loved the structure and the length and how everything was so well paced. I am still a little confused by John Sturges- his characterisation seems a little unclear and inconsistent between the start and the end? But it really seems to start kicking off into proper dark territory with Dung’s death which was just horrifying and perfectly sickening. And I’m still much too tired to be thinking about horror… but still thanks so much! Tip top entertainment.
myheadsgonenumb chapter 1 . 1/15/2022
You really brought to life the feeling of Azkaban and - ironically - the line 'this cup of tea will be the closest thing to warmth you feel for a long time' gave me chills. When I saw the description of a sugary girly voice I was just 'oh F*** no Umbridge!' and it was! You wrote the conversation between them really well - it was very tense and charged. I loved the contempt in the way Harry just greeted her with 'Dolores'. This seems like a really interesting but very dark and tragic au!
EdTheBeast chapter 4 . 1/7/2022
It is all mental!
Dragonanzar chapter 9 . 12/6/2021
Very interesting story. Not the sort of thing I'd usually pick up, but it was a recommendation so... The recommendation said that it was a story with 'that building feeling that something's off, you just don't know what until it's too late' and I have to admit it was completely accurate! It was beautifully done - the inconsistencies, the questions raised by the behaviour of different characters, which were then finally resolved by the fact that they had been Kissed. Not something I considered as the reason in the first chapters!

I liked how everything turned upside down - the first to die was the last to go down, the one they hunted was the one Harry eventually escaped with, the 'auror' turned out to be a notorious paedophile (though I don't quite get his motivation for his actions in the first chapters then - did Sturges actually think they were going to escape at first, and thought that maybe having the others along would help? But if so, why did he at first refuse to leave them unchained and wandless (therefore useless)? Unless it was an act? If so, hell of a chance to take!)

I especially loved the epilogue - seeing the world that Umbridge had made, and then Harry telling her (as a fantastic role-reversal of the first chapter) that she would be instrumental in taking it apart. What was the crime her mother had committed? Marrying a muggleborn?

Thanks for writing and completing!
John Spangler chapter 9 . 11/11/2021
Loved it!
pyande chapter 9 . 11/6/2021
Good stuff. Also, as someone who doesn't know shite about Cockney accent, dung's was good enough and did its job.
Handers chapter 9 . 10/27/2021
Very interesting and unique story!
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