Reviews for Of Walls and Scars
preztels chapter 23 . 9/15/2020
This is, by far, the best Merlin reveal series I have ever read! Seriously, nicely done! This was truly amazing and I couldn't put the story down
EmrysOfStorybrooke chapter 23 . 8/17/2020
This story was easily my favorite of the series, though they were all pretty great. I love seeing Arthur and Merlin working together when they both know what's going on. Oh, and I loved how every single character had very believable motives. Nobody was "evil" just for the sake of being evil, and nobody was "good" just for the sake of being good. I loved having some insight into the internal struggle they all faced, whether we got their POV or not. But long story short, it was very enjoyable! Thanks for sharing it!
endmoraine chapter 23 . 8/9/2020
This was such an awesome story! I loved your OC druids like Anye. Thus making her a great foil for Merlin and with some BAMF magic. So refreshing for the villain to change/see the light vs seeing Morgana always falling from grace. Look forward to reading more. Thanks so much for giving us a slice of joy, especially as no new televised shows. Imagination rules!
x-rayLady chapter 23 . 5/11/2020
I really loved this series (the trilogy as a whole)! The dilemma in this one of the Arthur who knows but also knows that Merlin isn't ready was brilliant. I loved that he was worried enough to keep bothering Leon but protective enough that he didn't want to push Merlin too hard into confessing. Arthur's witty confession in the end cracked me up. And the obvious "idiot" hint too, even though Merlin remained oblivious in spite of it. Great job!
Merlin Fan chapter 23 . 4/13/2020
This whole series is phenomenal! So gripping and enjoyable to read! Thanks for sharing it with us :)
FiveRivers chapter 23 . 2/11/2020
This was a cool series! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end, and I really liked the funny scenes where Arthur was pretending he didn't know. Thank you for writing.
Sari Dark chapter 23 . 1/17/2020
I love this little universe you have created. It would be really cool to see where this could go... I would definitely be interested in a sequel if you were to write another one!
broken5pieces chapter 5 . 9/30/2019
Ahahahaha fast spider haha falling vase hahahaha Emerys! Help! No matter how awesome dying from laughter is... I don't haha want to die haha!
dannyphannypack chapter 23 . 9/21/2019
as an afterthought that you will more than likely never see due to the age of this fic: i kept picturing merlin being like “im PLAYING with them, theyre my toys” and leon going “merlin...!” and merlin snapping his jaw close and its like really loud and merlin turns around and goes “that was my bad, that was too hard i’m sorry that was my fault, anyway where was i, ah yes THEY WERE MY TOYS” and it kept making me chuckle
dannyphannypack chapter 23 . 9/20/2019
this was, in a word? brilliant. i loved every second. thank you for this trilogy, really. maybe its two in the morning and maybe i have plans tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter. this was incredible to read and im so glad i found it.
dannyphannypack chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
the way that i read the entirety of asg and osg in one sitting and i plan to finish this by the end of the night ... you’ve really got me entranced, you know. your work is incredible. thank you for creating such wonderful stories.
maraudergurl2010 chapter 13 . 8/25/2019
I just gotta pause and take this moment to say ...


Thank you, and good night. :P
KillgarraghForever chapter 15 . 7/24/2019
I am Prince Arthur's manservant.
I am the last Dragonlord.
I am the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth.
I am Hunith's son.
I am Emrys.
I am Merlin.
Sapindetin chapter 2 . 5/6/2019
XD Great the transitions between situations are really fluent,
I'm thinking about gaius reaction if he had saw Arthur under the bed
and Arthur being like "shhhh" XD
cshen.julienne chapter 23 . 3/23/2019
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