Reviews for Family Bonds
yochan123 chapter 54 . 8/16/2021
Sigh Adrian is so immature and so is Ron. Never understood why Ron was such a jealous git or a protagonist
yochan123 chapter 52 . 8/16/2021
Ooooh shit lmao someone entered adrian’s name too
But hey Cedric lives!
yochan123 chapter 50 . 8/16/2021
Awww love the character development in draco and how youve painted him not as a totally black hearted person!

Seriously Harry’s family would probably never have asked him to join their stupid training if he hadn’t revealed these info about himself! Too late to start caring!
yochan123 chapter 49 . 8/16/2021
Adrian proving that he’s a jealous guy with nothing to his name once all the falsities are stripped away. Bad character too

Honestly dumbledore did everyone such a disservice starting from the stupid ass prophecy and ofc real family for Harry is the one who have proven their loyalty to him, not the ones who gave birth to him
yochan123 chapter 48 . 8/16/2021
Awww yes a win for team family!

Jesus James and Lily are fucking 12 years too late to remember they had another son!
yochan123 chapter 47 . 8/16/2021
Seriously Barty crouch both senior and junior sucks
And honestly when had his parents cared for him?! They just went to grab Adrian and ran! Forgetting Harry!

My true bro Neville though sniff
yochan123 chapter 46 . 8/16/2021
How dare Lily try to see if Severus would still want her?! It’s not like she ever saw the true him all these years! And she married the great bully James and never forgave her true friend Severus!

And a war unicorn! Omg omg omg I had forgotten but it’s so perfect .

Fucking dumbledore just had to almost ruin it and accuse Harry this shit has no idea what Harry did for the world
yochan123 chapter 45 . 8/16/2021
Awwww Neville true brother!
And his family lmao so shocked they might have a heart attack
yochan123 chapter 44 . 8/16/2021
Woohoo! Severus is finally free from the evil mark and Neville will know! He will feel so happy to finally know haha
Rita is just so happy I’m sure
yochan123 chapter 42 . 8/16/2021
Awwww so glad Merlin came and it’s nice timing to ease ppl into the truth cuz otherwise Voldemort might be the only one to know for s while lmao and that dude is not stupid unlike harry’s family
yochan123 chapter 41 . 8/16/2021
no one in his family -Severus aside- had even stopped to think of him; he hadn't really expected to be offered a training along Adrian and he didn't even want that. But a simple thank you for notifying them of Adrian not being in the castle -even if it was mentioned in that stupid letter his parents had sent him- would have sufficed.

Seriously they treat him like a Christmas tree ornament
yochan123 chapter 40 . 8/16/2021
God dumbledore is so fucking idiotic along with Adrian and his parents who just abandoned Harry! The fuck?! They cared more about dear adrian’s friends than Harry!

At least Neville is there T.T
yochan123 chapter 38 . 8/16/2021
WOW so Ron and Hermione were asked to join in patronize training but not Harry?! The fuck?! These two deserve each other for their stupidity and nagging!

The ministry ought to be overturned too letting dementors in a school of young children
yochan123 chapter 35 . 8/16/2021
Safer at hogwarts cough cough
yochan123 chapter 34 . 8/16/2021
Oh yay character development for Ginny!

Idk why ppl thought Harry would prank Percy that’s so dumb like why would he even bother…

Glad he finally is selling his brooms! One day everyone will know his name and what he did!
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