Reviews for Harry and Luna Against the High Inquisitor
Fast Frank chapter 16 . 5/7/2024
Very nice, I hope that this will be continued some day.
Fast Frank chapter 15 . 5/7/2024
Ice skates work by the ice melting under the pressure of the sharp blade. If the ice is too cold, it won't temporarily melt, rendering skates useless.
Fast Frank chapter 14 . 5/7/2024
Luna's suggestion regarding freezing charms on skates indicates that she (and maybe the author) doesn't understand how ice skates actually work.
Fast Frank chapter 9 . 5/6/2024
Too bad Harry can't send Voldemort a nightmare like: Voldemort is Minister, but he has to wear a pinstripe suit and a lime green bowler hat, Bellatrix is wearing all pink, and the Dark Mark is changed to the "Hello Kitty" head.
Fast Frank chapter 2 . 5/6/2024
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Thirty plus times is enemy action. :)
I just had an attack of logic: What if Hungarian Monopodal Truffners aren't really Hungarian, but happenstance caused them to be first spotted and identified there?
Fast Frank chapter 1 . 5/6/2024
If that's what Umbridge really believes about Fudge, what is she smoking and can we get a warning label: "Do not attempt to apparate or fly a broom after use" for it?
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 1 . 1/3/2024
It’s so sad you never finish the story. I really hope you will one day but I doubt it.
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 6 . 1/2/2024
OMG, I like Tennessee fire whiskey
cmdkelley1 chapter 16 . 11/22/2023
I am actually broken hearted that this story was dropped. It was fun, sweet, and an amazing Lunarry ship. I checked your bio to make sure but it appears you havent updated any of your stories in years. I hope yoy are ok and everything but wow you seriously wrote what was quickly becoming somthing of a top 10 Lunarry story for me.
Azure Raziel chapter 16 . 9/8/2023
Thank you for creating this such a lovely fanfic, I really hope you can continue writing this one, the chemistry, the character development all well done, the touch of world building added just right, the plot development is absolute Magnifique, out of every Harry Luna fanfic, this one has been my most favorite so far. The Harry&Luna ship just feel so right for me, I'm going to miss this alot.
Nice Egan chapter 16 . 8/26/2023
This is such a good story. I hope that you will continue one day.
Fick Chick chapter 16 . 8/2/2023
I really like this fic and hope you continue it sometime. I'll follow it in case you do.
quakeimp chapter 16 . 2/4/2023
it hurts me to see this wonderful works abandoned... the writting.. the premise... it's all wonderfully done... I will not lie... I literally read this in one go because of how well written it was... and seeing 2014 as the last update... I'm left with little hope of finishing this beautiful story
ElsieD chapter 16 . 11/6/2022
Bet my Gd 13 French was a few decades before yours! I really liked your characterization, such a nice Harry/Luna relationship and Lavender and Ron being human rather than obnoxious bit players. I’m sorry you stopped writing because I was really wondering how the fight at the Ministry was going to be managed. But thanks for what exists, and for your references to other stories, I’ll go read your beta’s work.
BahBruhBlackSheep chapter 16 . 6/21/2022
I really do hope that one day you'll finish this. I enjoy it a lot.
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