Reviews for Harry and Luna Against the High Inquisitor
Guest chapter 16 . 8/22/2015
I'm really loving this story and sad to see that it hasn't been updated in awhile, I'm hoping more comes out soon.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/25/2015
This is by far one of the best H.P fanfics- scratch that one of the best fanfics period. I love how you made the characters true to the novels but with your own special twist. The romantic parts got me with all the feels. The best part IMHO was either Luna's straightforward attitude with the talk or Professor Flitwick being a badass. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update if you do I'll give you a cookie. No but seriously great story got me interested in H.P fanfics. Cheers, The Griffon Ryder
CreepyReaper chapter 16 . 7/23/2015
This story is amazing. This is exactly what I've been looking for in Harry/Luna. You capture not only their incredible chemistry, buT also WHY they work so well together. Are you still working towards completion on this? It would be a terrible thing to let something so wonderful go unfinished
Guest chapter 16 . 7/15/2015

your work is one of the best I've read here. I love how you manage to follow the storyline of the original 5th book while also creating your own story - I haven't read many Harry Potter fanfics in general yet, but quite a lot in this pairing section and I must say, not many of them managed to retell the original storyline. Although I liked most of them, too, I prefer this kind of fiction, which in the long run creates an alternative ending. I hope, that you find time to keep going, and, well: I'd love to read a completed story :) you already mentioned the Deathly Hallows, so I am looking forward to Harry, Luna and Xenophilius going on expedition ;)

(I hope everything is understandable, I'm not a native speaker)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
She was is Slytherin
jon reeve chapter 6 . 7/1/2015
What, haven't you read stories where Harry beat Voldie with Scourgify? Snape too; He really cleans their clocks.
Serenarey Chiba chapter 16 . 6/3/2015
Oh, I do so love this story. I have recently just gotten into Harry/Luna fics, and your "Protection from Nargles" was the first one I'd ever read. I also enjoy the moments where Luna becomes incredibly fierce, like when she chastised Harry for mocking his own possible death. That was a great scene.

Any suggestions for more wonderful stories?
Hammer545 chapter 16 . 6/1/2015
Love the work mate. Hope to see more of it soon.
Hammer545 chapter 6 . 6/1/2015
the omake was genious
Ryo Oh Ki7 chapter 16 . 5/25/2015
Loved it!
spost-ffnisdumb chapter 16 . 5/17/2015
Aww, balls. I hate it when I get to the end of a story I'm enjoying and it hasn't been updated in months. It's good, I hope you come back to it at some point!
HermioneWP chapter 16 . 5/12/2015
:( you haven't updated in ages.

I really like 'Polly' she is amazing. Also The Talk is the most awkwardest thing ever.
excessivelyperky chapter 15 . 5/2/2015
Snape is right about Occlumency and the Dark Lord. At least Harry is trying and learning this time around. Sadly, Snape is also right about theory and basic potions. A bit of theory, and some of the more festive students would be attempting to modify their potions according to misheard theories, and oops, bang! He does have a point about following procedures *first*.

Dumbledore doesn't seem to be doing much about Umbridge. But then, it will be easier to keep Harry and Luna docile if they feel threatened and *he* is the one to rescue them. After all, he's handing out goodies to Harry and not making him work very hard. It must be fun to make Snape do all the hard bits and then be the good guy. Harry's not seeing that part yet.

How nice of Dumbledore to let Harry and his friends catch all the flack from Umbridge to avoid being a target just yet!
David305 chapter 16 . 5/2/2015
I've been enjoying, and hope you continue! Well-written, interesting, few errors, quite canon-character-consistent, and fun!
I've been anticipating some kind of real retribution against Umbridge, however subtle and anonymous, cleverly orchestrated by the Twins, Sirius, and Dobby. But if that's not your intent, don't let me interfere! I have great respect for an author's own vision, and never have believed in "creativity by survey." (g)
Keep it up! Cheers,
Aliens of Doom chapter 16 . 4/11/2015
Hey, person here!

Really enjoying this so far, I'm not a huge Harry/Luna shipper, but I think it can be really cute and nice if done well (which you are, don't worry [like you actually care what I think {help, I'm trapped in nested parenthetical (sorry, felt like I needed to make that joke)}]), and there really need to be more Harry/Luna fics because sometimes I just get in a mood, ya know?

I'm really excited to see what you have coming up. Keep up the good work!
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