Reviews for unsphere the stars |
pointed.exclamation chapter 1 . 7/27/2021 It has been over a month since I originally finished reading this story, and NOT A DAY has gone by where UTS didn't cross my mind, at least once. Every time a train passes by. Every time I look at a shelf of books. Every time I see flame ignite on a stovetop, I think of Hermione and Tom and catch a breath. One of the greatest fics ever written. Tomione isn't even my ship. If you love the HP series and you love Hermione, READ THIS STORY. |
Ahhhhahhhhahhho chapter 37 . 7/27/2021 This story is amazingintriguing and well-written. The first story in a long time that has me on the edge of my seat and that I’ll actually finish. Thank you! |
iminadaze chapter 58 . 7/18/2021 thank you very much for writing this story! i love your writing, the angst, and the characters. thank you for sharing it |
Guest chapter 58 . 7/18/2021 An absolutely stunning work of fiction. It's been a pleasure reading your piece - thank you, and I hope you're doing well currently in life! |
lovebirdy chapter 58 . 7/8/2021 This made me want to reread, I’ll have to head to your AO3 |
Lnc1917 chapter 58 . 7/5/2021 That is the most wonderful history i have ever seen! Thank you for this piece of art! |
daphnie chapter 37 . 6/25/2021 Just noticed this while Im rereading this for the umpteenth time. Here it's mentioned that 'he'd left hell behind at the age of 14" but in an earlier chapter, in an authors note you mentioned that though you think Tom may have left the orphanage at the age of 14, for the intent of this fic you assumed that he left at 16 as JKR was not clear on the matter. Thought you'd like to double check XO |
daphnie chapter 37 . 6/25/2021 Just noticed when Im rereading for the umpteenth time, it says here that 'he'd left hell behind at the age of 14" but in a previous chapter, in an authors note you mentioned that thought you think at the time Tom had to have left the orphanage at 14, for the intent of this fic you assumed that he left at 16. Thought you like to know XO |
SoSimpleABeginning chapter 58 . 6/22/2021 Wow, this was such an imaginative and beautiful fic. It was like 3 epic stories rolled into one: a time-travel adventure, romance/redemption story, and an exploration of the magical HP universe. I loved the time-travel aspects and especially that it was a “can’t change the future”-style story. Although I do enjoy alternative timelines, I enjoy seeing how authors work around this constrain it time-travel fics, and I thought you inserted Hermione into the past in interesting and engaging ways. Also, the pre-determined nature of everything added to the romantic angst. I thought the romance between these two flawed (in different ways) characters was realistic and beautiful. And I didn’t see the twist at Hogwarts coming. I thought that redemption arc was very well-earned. Lastly, the world building in this was fantastic. I love a Hermione that’s questing for magical knowledge, and this did not disappoint. It was so unique and inventive, and I loved every second of it. Thanks for writing and sharing such a beautiful fic. |
pointed.exclamation chapter 58 . 6/12/2021 This story... In my nearly two decades of loving the Harry Potter books, in almost as many years I've had of reading fan fiction because I couldn't bear for the magic to end, I have never encountered any tale like this. The calibre of the writing, the fearlessness of the twists, the epic that truly allowed Hermione to be her own hero, the complex questions of ethics and accountability and human nature through space and time... I am left breathless at the magnitude of it all. At the magnificence of your work. I have never felt any desire to read a Tomione beforeor any story that centered or humanized Tom or Voldemort. The thought alone disgusted me, and would have continued to in the hands of perhaps any other writer. But the way you handled his character, without ever letting him off easy, pushed me to confront long held biases and allowed me to believe in the possibility of change. (Side note: For anyone curious about how morality and justice and redemption is handled in this story, I am reminded of the last season of the show The Good Place, which is an extremely different story for a very different audience but which also attempts to address, so gracefully, the question of whether or not morality is fixed; whether any judgment should be eternal; whether a person is capable of change and what restorative justice could actually look like.) This story is unmissable, unputdownable, ambitious as hell, and essential to the kingdom of Harry Potter fanfiction. This story is magic made real. |
pointed.exclamation chapter 46 . 6/11/2021 I am screaming at the crackling tension, the subdued fire that still blazes, between the two former lovers. Merlin what a scene. |
pointed.exclamation chapter 43 . 6/10/2021 it's fascinating when the narrative tone takes on that of a fable, almost |
pointed.exclamation chapter 39 . 6/10/2021 You are such a brilliant writer to tie it together like this. Of course Dumbledore couldn't properly humanize Tom for Harry. And we all understand and accept why. I just hadn't thought about it until now. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant way to bring this up. |
pointed.exclamation chapter 31 . 6/10/2021 How is action not your forte? These duel scenes are nothing short of thrilling! I could see it all in my mind! |
Anhy chapter 58 . 6/10/2021 This fic is unique |