Reviews for unsphere the stars
Alina Nyx chapter 58 . 2/15/2021
Ohh! I only noticed the new chapter now and it's safe to say that I loved it. Can't wait for more peaks into their lives.
Dinobunny chapter 58 . 2/13/2021
Love love love the addendum! You've wrapped the story up really nicely and it's so different from many tomione fics out there! Made me cry so much too haha! Thank you for writing this!
daphnie chapter 28 . 2/13/2021
In a later chapteryes I'm re-reading this story for the umpteenth time) tom says that he made her forget about hermione Dearborn when he (LV) was preparing for war. I wonder what it would be to peek into LVs mind.. What an interaction between LV and HD would be like. Clearly, I can't get enough of your writing and this story xo
daphnie chapter 16 . 2/13/2021
I often wonder what it would be Tom be like if someone had shown him some compassion during his early years.. Would he still have grown into the evil he was in the original time line, or what difference it could have made in history. I found two stories which touched this topic, one harry goes back in time to kill tom but ends up adoption him only for tom to grow up wanting to get in Harry's pants, the second hermione goes back in time and ends up adopting Tom only for tom to grow up to be the same. Hermione in that story though was so weak and out of character it was a painful read. I wonder how you would write that...
stars-for-dreams chapter 49 . 2/12/2021
It's amazing the way you give every character full depth with just a few words. They are all three-dimensional and they each have their own perspective. You can tell what Ginny thinks of Ron and Hermione and what Ron thinks of himself and Harry and Hermione, and you can see the little 'mean' thoughts that show their fragilities and their weak points and in the same breath those characters think of themselves in a different (less clear) way and they don't realize that they have given away an enormous clue.
I find it amazing, truly.
daphnie chapter 3 . 2/12/2021
That's the sad thing though.. Harry did value Ron's friendship over Hermione's, no matter how much Ron betrayed and how loyal Hermione was. I always wished there was more loyalty and gratitude from Harry's part to Hermione. And of course that JKR never penned that abomination of an epilog
Guest chapter 22 . 2/12/2021
Excellent chapter! I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds
Abbey Riddle chapter 52 . 2/11/2021
Not that in rereading this, which I have loved even more the second time, I think Harry’s being a bit of a douche. He’s known Hermione Granger his entire life, And he’s known Hermione Granger Deerborn for seven. Awfully quick to pull the Azkaban card on someone he’s known for about 20 years.
Anuir chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
You're back with this wonderful story. Awesome, thank U.

I personally don't feel the reconnection with Harry and Ginny, even if forced by the children and somewhat distant, sorry but I think that relationship is absolutely done for all the involved, but that is my perspective.

The rest I absolutely LOVE! Your Tominone is fantastic :)
burungmalam chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
I adore this story and loved these little pictures into life After! Thank you for sharing!
Gigipink chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
I've followed this story for a while now, and it has been awesome! You've taken this fic in so many new directions and put love and effort into it. Great job!
Keira-House M.D chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
Such a wonderful addendum. I love this story and I'm so glad to see an extra part added to the universe.
Afanasyi chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
Such an amazing read. Thank you so much for writing it!
CathyM4 chapter 58 . 2/10/2021
Thank you - it was lovely to revisit Hermione and Tom.
InsomniacReader1991 chapter 58 . 2/9/2021
I love the way this ended!
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