Reviews for Mary Sue, Sue Mary and the Broken Plot Continuum |
SickleYield chapter 7 . 9/30/2005 Great. This is great. IMO, MS deserve no mercy. Sure, you don't have to read their stories. They don't have to read yours, either.:) |
SickleYield chapter 2 . 9/30/2005 Ha ha ha... |
SickleYield chapter 1 . 9/30/2005 Wow. This story is both deeply loved and deeply hated, and I'm not sure it merits either. But it is funny. And that's what I was looking for. Good job! |
Feanaro24 chapter 1 . 1/26/2005 There's a reason why this is called fanfiction you know? Aspiring writers should have a chance to write whatever they like without the 'Protectors of the Plot Continuum' hounding their every move. Maybe it was alright when this...thing was started, but it's going too far. How many writers have given up because the so-called Tolkien 'purists' flame them every step of the way. Sure, most of the OCs people write are Mary Sues, but cut the writers some slack! There's a reason why people post it on , it's not supposed to be true. If the authors' characters suck enough for you to want to tell them so, there's something called 'constructive criticism'. But I don't suppose you've heard of it, being the protector's of everything Tolkien huh? This whole PPC thing is getting ridiculous. Do you know how many people now despise LOTR and Tolkien because they've been put off writing fanfiction by Tolkien 'purists'. Not exactly promoting love for everything Tolkien this way are you? |
Roz chapter 4 . 1/14/2003 "Whatever it is you're thinking, lady, you'd best forget it. Sam will kill you if you try anything." BWAHAHA! I love it. Mary Sues crack me up, and your story even moreso. |
Cimmoren chapter 3 . 1/2/2003 This is definitely going on my favorite list. Your parody ranks right up there with even Jay and Acacia. I love your descriptions of air headed Sue Mary and Mary Sue. "However, being Sue Mary, she put the coffee down as just a cool side effect of her spell, and didn't worry about it." rofl, so true to the mindless character of all Mary Sues. "I nearly couldn't get the phrase 'all eleven members of the Fellowship' typed" if only all authors would learn this lesson. Miss Cam must be proud of you. Truly it's a joy to read a fic with decent grammar, spelling, and plot. Very refreshing, so keep up the good work with other fics! |
Who gives a fuck who i am chapter 1 . 12/29/2002 Have you ever heard of people saying that bullies either have a problem with themselves or are bullied? Well that's the case here. When will you dicks leave everyone alone. FANFICTION wasn't made so ppl like you could go around dissing their fics. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! Well what happened to your other Mary-Sue bitching fic? The one where u dissed Mithril(whatever it's name was...) and What Might Have Been? People really get fucking discouraged when you diss something they've put their effort into. And you wouldn't believe how hurtful it could be. I also heard that one of the writers of Mithril (if i am talking about the right fic?) killed themselves. Well i hope you know you probably contributed to that, you fucked up worthless piece of shit. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND - so one day something this hurtful WILL come back at YOU, but hopefully it'll be worse on your turn. Thanks for writing one of the most boring, cynical, hurtful fics i have ever read. You're an embarressment to . And you deserve what's coming to you, fucker. |
Cloudy Magic chapter 7 . 12/18/2002 I was idly wondering what to do and decided to find some Mary-Sues to laugh at. Instead the results that came up for stories entitled 'Mary-Sue' showed this one - and the mention of 'broken plot-continuum' was too much too resist. I started reading. At first I was slightly worried that I'd just been dragged into a normal Mary-Sue, but the instant you mentioned slash and then the Secret Diaries of Cassandra Claire I knew this was most definitely going to be worth reading. And I was right. This was beautiful - a parody of the best kind. The references back to the book proved you as a true LotR fan - well done! The jokes, especially the line about parking the Enterprise had me in stitches. Brilliant. But (there's always a but _~) I would have loved more detail. You could have made this into an indepth fic which would have been even better than it is now. Still, I loved it as it is (even if you did kill off Elladan and Elrond!)mainly because you've obviously read the books in a detail (The Simarillion as well I assume?)that frankly is too good for . If this fic was more detailed it would be worth it's own website - as it is it is definitely too good to be among some of the badly written parodies and Mary-Sues that reside on this website. Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling on now and just say that I loved it - more would be wonderful. - Well done! |
Phoenix Flight chapter 7 . 11/5/2002 What a great story! will we get to see the conclusion, or is that it? |
Pennhothwen chapter 2 . 9/15/2002 Oh yes. By the bye, I fell off my chair when I read that bit about parking the Enterprise... just thought you should know. And this is approximately the 912th time I've read this fic. Weeeell, maybe not. But close. :D -Penn p.s. welcome to OFUM! |
Ocarina Rune Scholar chapter 7 . 8/5/2002 I am highly amused...Dagor Dagorath! Wowch! Will the PPC have to piece the whole of Middle-earth back together? That could ungodly amount of time, to say the least. I think you should write at least a smidgeon more. You've left M-E in a terrible fix. Favorite lines of the hold thing were from the chapter 5 disclaimer: "The odd phrase has been lifted from LotR. No, I'll rephrase that: the well-written phrases have been lifted from LotR. The odd ones are all mine." That's so precious! Cheers and all! Eglerio! -ÓRS |
Whizzothecrunchyfrog chapter 3 . 8/4/2002 I really like this idea of a "Plot continum". Makes sense, really, when you think about it. Good story, though MS and SM are a tad too ditzy, in my opinion... |
San Antonio Rose chapter 7 . 7/19/2002 Been keeping up with this over at Odd Lots while was down, and I just gotta tell ya... it's great! It's given me some ideas of my own! (Trust me, I will credit you if they ever go anywhere.) The slow symptoms of a world falling apart were good... the palantiri disintegrating, people walking into plot holes and disappearing, things simply ceasing to exist... and then, of course, just in the nick of time, Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum find out that the PPC weren't gone after all. :) I can only imagine the jolt that would accompany the canon snapping back into place after THIS one! And don't feel bad about taking it this far. Stories do sometimes write themselves... the good Professor said something like that about LOTR, I believe. :) |
Rhikat chapter 7 . 7/18/2002 When the PPC's away, The Mary Sues will play. But you'd better "move you're bloomin' arse" Dover, 'cause playtime's over ...for the Mary Sues anyway. |
Arwen Lune chapter 7 . 7/16/2002 *applauds* Well done! Wonderful ending. And I like my cameo :-)) |