Reviews for Those Gilded Chains We Wear
latoyamackey69 chapter 41 . 1/21
ok this chick is selfish as hell o. some real shit
latoyamackey69 chapter 16 . 1/20
Hermione deserved that last cuss out she did that shit on purpose to sooth her curiosity. it's invasive as hell to trick someone into doing mind magic so u can get answers you want that they aren't ready to give.
miggit91 chapter 42 . 1/17
Just decided to revisit this fic on a whim and it’s just as excellent as I remember. I know it’s been quite a while, but if you ever get the urge to return to this fic, know there is still interest. If not, however, know that you’ve written what I consider the gold standard, fandom-defining Bellamione fic, and am ever grateful to have read it. I hope you are well!
Guest chapter 42 . 10/28/2024
I only have myself to blame for reading a unfinished fic that hasn't been updated in 8 years. But I enjoyed the ride, incredible piece of work
HermioneLeStrang chapter 42 . 10/8/2024
I don't know if you will ever return to this fic but I just wanted to say this story has been my all time favourite to read. I love the way you captured the inner conflicts in Hermione and Bellatrix, how they both are slowly moving forward and overcoming trauma.

You have inspired me in the past when writing my own fics to do my research into mental health and weave it into character exploration. Thank you for writing this story and sharing it with us all.

I hope you are doing well and living your best life.

Kindest regards,
Hermione LeStrange
friendster13 chapter 42 . 10/5/2024
I just finished reading this and its my favourite bellatrix x hermione fic. I wish it were finished and there was more, but considering how much detail you have put in and how long it is, i appreciate it all the same.
I understand how you might have lost motivation for it so I cannot imagine an update however if you did come back I will be reading. I think I will definitely come back to this one. Its special to me and one of the best fanfics I have come across. I dont love bellamione but i love how you wrote them and this is the best fic undee the pairing. I can understand how this fic almost started the ships popularity.
The way you dived into bellas trauma (though I understand not everyone liked it), i thought was done quite well. Hermiones internal struggle as well as craving to help her and understand bella more had me hooked from the beginning.
I dont really know how to express how good this is. Especially given the fact youre german, (english is my first language and I struggle to write like this). Please never delete this fic thats all I ask.
Youre a gem. And i really hope you read this comment because ugh this fic wonderful. You writer are wonderful.
revilo chapter 42 . 7/16/2024
This is the most INCREDIBLE fanfiction. The plot, the characterization, the DETAILS, the twists, the turns, the care. I. AM. IN LOVE with this story. Thank you thank you thank you for this masterpiece. And I don’t even think it feels like you’ve left it on a cliff—everyone is so dimensional and fleshed out that I can easily daydream their future. THANK YOU for bringing these two and their relationship to life. This was one of the first (maybe THE first?) stories I read of these two together, and I have been immersed in the Bellamione fandom ever since (7 years?). Thank you so much for the joy your words brought and continue to bring me ️
CyborgValkyrie chapter 25 . 5/29/2024
Reading this again since I love it. I wanted to offer my opinion about the financial aspect of your story.

There is, realistically, no limit to the Black fortune, which is far beyond that of the Malfoys. 'Noble and Most Ancient' is used to describe the Blacks, while the Malfoys get 'noble'. The Blacks, canonically, stretch back to the times of Merlin and Morgana. They've been gathering wealth all that time. While Druella is alive in your fic, unless you've changed the way inheritance and line heraldry work, with Sirius disowned and dead, Bellatrix is the heir and holder of title for the house, passing from Arcturus to Cygnus to Bellatrix as the eldest, regardless of killing her father or going to prison.

Is it likely the Malfoys took a hit, likely up to 30-50% of their wealth? Sure, but is there a real difference if you have $10 billion versus $5 billion for the Malfoys? Regardless, the fine would be a drop in the bucket to the Blacks. Also consider, the Blacks don't need direct income, they accrue interest. Even if Bella had access to none of it, her vault was far far more filled with galleons than Harry's, which had tens of thousands.

The Malfoys are widely considered a business / mercantile / investment family, so yes, reputation for them matters.
BellaBerry12 chapter 2 . 4/25/2024
this is the fic that got me into fanfiction and I'll never forget it
BellaBerry12 chapter 1 . 4/25/2024
i always come back to this it's so good. sad the notes became longer than the chapters:(
Soldoluar chapter 42 . 4/9/2024
Beautiful Sunday tomorrow and still waiting for attention.
Soldoluar chapter 41 . 4/9/2024
Man, this chapter was intense, not that the others weren't but... this was intense
Soldoluar chapter 20 . 4/7/2024
FUCK! But what was that? This is very good
Guest chapter 42 . 3/21/2024
It hurts.. I thought it was finished not until I read the ending... Damn, it is too good and well-written. Hope I get to read the ending before I die.
megamozg46 chapter 42 . 2/3/2024
Thanks fore this butiful journey! So emotional! Big hugs from Russia!
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