Reviews for The Domestic Analysis
SuzetteB chapter 7 . 1/21/2014
Awww Sherlock as a daddy 3 I think I might cry.
SuzetteB chapter 4 . 1/21/2014
You broke my heart 3 But HONESTLY this is the most plot-rich Sherlolly fanfic I've ever read and I LOVE you for it. It's the most Sherlock-like reaction possible for the situation, and, as you said, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, and I love you for it. Don't let the haters get you down. This fic is bloody brilliant, Mini Moffat :)
lifeOFillusions chapter 24 . 1/3/2014
There are only a few fanfictions out there that ussually give me this reaction and actually see the actors in my head. You portayed sherlock very well eventhough this might not happen in the real series... (One can only hope! I saw a picture of molly with an engagement ring...) and you did an AWESOME job writting! I loved all of it i dont know if i can read another sherolly because your is so good i may have cried a few times! Hehe keep it up! And feel free to get out of your hiatus anytime ;) coz its friday again today. :p
Poodle warriors chapter 24 . 7/22/2013
This was a great story and sequel. I enjoyed reading every moment of it; well done!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/21/2013

ell x chapter 24 . 6/7/2013
I read all your stories ! This is absolutely fecking AMAZING! I laughed, cried, swore, nearly had a heart attack and actually stopped all revision for my five gcse exams next week because of the first and secknd installment ! Its 11:35 now but im going to read the third... spectacularly written, not a fault wrong, love the story the way they are and how you read and feel everything they feel. I love how it look so long for him to say I love you and then he said it in the simplest but most amazing way... please write more never stop sherlolly stories and john I love john in them the humour especially chapter 22
DrLowriWatson chapter 24 . 5/20/2013
I have been searching for this for ages! I have finally found it and I am so happy :')

This is my favourite Sherlolly parentlock fic series. I'd had it open in a tab on my ipad, and then my iPad malfunctioned and I lost it. I've spent the past year trying to find it again, (after completely forgetting what they were called, and I admit, I did give up hope for a while).

You can't measure how happy I am to find it again. This is what got me into loving the Sherlock/Molly pairing in the first place.


I'm now going to reacquaint myself with it, starting from the very beginning, and I will actually be able to read the next part of the series too. (Thank god I now have an account).
Allie Potter chapter 22 . 5/4/2013
I'm crying again, but of joy
Allie Potter chapter 21 . 5/3/2013
no no no no no i'm crying please don't
Allie Potter chapter 20 . 5/3/2013
poor baby sherlock oosduajsdas
Allie Potter chapter 19 . 5/3/2013
I like Mary 3
Allie Potter chapter 18 . 5/3/2013
Molly is so pregnant ehehehhee
Allie Potter chapter 17 . 5/3/2013
ok, that was good, no dinner for miss Adler! ehehehe
Allie Potter chapter 16 . 5/3/2013
violet, I like it, she seems quite lovely as well :)
Allie Potter chapter 15 . 5/3/2013
oh goodbye! next one :)
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