Reviews for The Domestic Analysis
blessie15 chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Lovely chapter! Thanks for writing again. Its awesome that you made a sequel for the long way home. I've read that story about 20 times now...since I basically live for your stories now it seems. Glad to have a new story about Sherlock and Molly. :)
xxkissesandcuddlesxx chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Ahhhhhh I can't wait XD I'm gonna be up for ages now wondering what chapter 4 about

Hmmm baby irene comes back and cause some trouble between Molly and Sherlock that Would be awesome :p

Or maybe they break up or their could be a terrible accident

Ahhhhh too many possibilitycant wait for more xx
Miggs chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
I don't care for whatever happens in chap. 4, so long as Molls and Sherls are still together! Pleeeeeeeese...
Tribulation Periwinkle chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Very nice beginning! I'm anxious to see where this is heading and how Molly and Sherlock became a couple.
barus chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Typical and obvious? Molly gets pregnant... but it would be quite OK with me... besides there was never a Molly pregnant... there were always other girls pregnant but never Molly... so if this thing that is going to happen is Molly with a child nobody's gonna kill you - I think...:)

If it's another thing entirely then...hmmm... Irene could reappear... but that's not typical and obvious...

I would say "Sherlock being an ass" but he's gone through such a change during the episodes and then during your last story that it suddenly isn't that typical... well, I shall have to wait:)
j12sk3 chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
So glad to see a sequel, just read the prequel to this because it seems I don't need sleep. And I absolutely adore this story already, probably because of the Molly/Sherlock.

You have to update soon, especially because you were positively evil by hinting at chapter 4 and by telling us that there are chapters out there already desperately waiting to be read.
timenspace chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
aaah I love them.

I am still a hardcore S/J shipper (damn mainstream) but the way you write them...


Maybe it's because I'm reminded of me and mine.

Me being the awkward one ;)
loulouflowerpower chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
update really soon
MissKingAtYourService chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Hey *waves frantically* so glad youre back! I absolutely adore your writing and thank you so so much for mentioning me! It was very sweet! I adore the fact that he is still dragging his heels and being so sherlocky about everything! Lol its rather amusing to watch lmao! Thank you for keeping the original sherlock as he is! Xx
IReallyLoveTea chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
Yay! It's up! I loved it! I absolutely and completely loved it! And it's only the first chapter... You HAVE to update soon! No ifs, no buts... Soon *serious face*

and oh nooooo! What have you got planned for chapter four? So we might hate you? Oh no... :D
PiedPepper chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
That's just cruel, mentioning hinting that something will happen in Ch. 4 while we're still in ch.1. Now we'll just have to sit here waiting with rapt attention.
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