Reviews for You Have One New Message
Silver chapter 6 . 10/22/2013
You must specify the intermediate and eventual pairing in your fic's tags. Also things like unrequited love. These things cause a lot of emotional distress to people who root for their OTPs, read a fic only to find despair at the end of it for their pairing. Its heartbreaking. Its cruel. Though your fic is good, and there are a lot of people who would love to read this, its... just unfair to those fans who read fics as a balm to their own tormented hearts (and trust me there are a LOTT of readers out there reading fics for catharsis), who find peace each time John and Sherlock end up together.
It is a request, please tag your fics properly. I know you don't want to hurt any fans or break any hearts.
Seimein chapter 2 . 1/2/2013
" I've always found reactions to loss to be the true telling of a man. In the case of Doctor Watson, there seemed to be a great deal of conflict between the soldier who kept strong and compact until the very last moment and the caring doctor who fell in love with a man who kept eyes in the fridge. "

You broke my heart.

" 'I want the pickled eyeballs back' to your 'grave'. "

PS : Sherlock, I think you are just stupid, sometimes. c:
Seimein chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Uho... John ? Why your last message sounds like a "note" ? JOHN ?
DPraven chapter 6 . 11/4/2012
... Why must John and Sherlock not be together? I very much dislike MollyxJohn, mostly because I only like johnlock and, to me, everything else is wrong. Anyways, despite my feeling towards your chosen pairing I did enjoy the story. You are a lovely writer
Xivida chapter 6 . 4/14/2012
Very well written, but...

Well, I still ship johnlock with all my heart.

Sorry. :)
Sol.As chapter 6 . 3/8/2012
seriously? with Molly? I never would have imagined that end. Although it was a happy ending, alike was too sad for me...POOR Sherlock!.

I love Molly, but I must confess that every time I see her with some of two, I can not help hating she in the story, like Irene (and I guess to any girl or boy (for very lovely that he/she is) who match with these two ... because is so difficult to see John and Sherlock separate T T) ... but good, yet the story is charming, congratulations for this ).

Ooh, and I hope you can forgive my mistakes, but english is not my native language . chapter 6 . 3/8/2012
Man, that was good, but s not satisfying. Awkward love triangles suck. But still. Well-written
chubbybunny96 chapter 6 . 3/5/2012
Sigh this is probably exactly what will haPpen in Season 3 :\. This kind of made me sad because John and Sherlock didn't end up together. But I did like the twist with Molly, and I loved John's chapter. Great job!
MysticPuma chapter 6 . 3/2/2012
Very nice. Very well written :) x
CryptoSquirrel chapter 6 . 2/9/2012
Ahhhhhwwwwwww. Very heartfelt. I like that side of Sherlock-that he knows and processes his own emotions enough to set that all up for John and Molly.
ber1719 chapter 6 . 2/4/2012
You know, even though this story did not have the usual fluffy Johnlock ending, I'm kind of glad it did. It's nice to break the mold and you have definitely done that with this story. I loved it. I can't believe how much I like the possibility of John and Molly together now. You really outdid yourself with this one and I honestly hope that you will write more Sherlock fics in the future!
ber1719 chapter 5 . 2/4/2012
I swear nothing good can come of John and Sherlock having dinner together. All sorts of scenes are running through my head, but it will be an excellent chapter I know it will.

Also, it will be interesting seeing the characters interact in reality instead of through emails. I can't wait!
ber1719 chapter 4 . 2/4/2012
OMG! Okay so I totally misread the title for this chapter the first time I scrolled through the table of contents and I thought this chapter would be another email from John to Sherlock. As I was very much mistaken, I still really enjoyed it. I love the fact that Sherlock was finally able to tell John the truth. Though it hurts to know that they can't be together romantically anymore, Molly and John really are cute together. I feel like maybe the epilogue is going to be super depressing. Of course I will still read it and probably love it to bits.

You're a fantastic writer and this story has quickly become one of my favorites in the Sherlock verse.
ber1719 chapter 3 . 2/4/2012
OMG! Wow this chapter cracked me up. Unlike the other ones, this one ended with a bit of an attitude and it was a nice break from all of the depressing content of the past three chapters. I LOVED it though. I adore Molly and it was really wonderful seeing the events from her point of view. I particularly like the twist that through their mutual pain Molly and John found love. Obviously, John will still always love Sherlock and so will Molly, but at least they had each other. I can't wait to read the next chapter because I know it's going to be from John again! :D
ber1719 chapter 2 . 2/4/2012
What an interesting chapter. I really loved this one. I thought that seeing John and Sherlock's relationship through Mycroft's eyes was a very good twist for the chapter to take. Even though Mycroft can be an absolute jerk, I still adore him. I think, despite all of his flaws, that he really does care about Sherlock and just wants what's best for him.

I can't wait to read the next chapter. I haven't checked who the emails are supposed to be from, but I'm sure it should be excellent as per your usual. :D 3
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