Reviews for The Sun is Gonna Shine |
Firefly-class chapter 1 . 3/12/2012 Well done. Great fic! |
Lgwater27 chapter 1 . 3/9/2012 Oh my goodness, this story was just so beautiful! You are such an amazing writer! Please keep writing more p/k stories! |
incinnarate chapter 1 . 3/8/2012 I loved this fic! You captured the characters well and it was tasteful. Great writing! Kudos, friend. Kudos. |
ellavescent chapter 1 . 3/6/2012 Another gorgeous story! All perfectly characterised; I've seen many butcher pregnant-Katniss, writing as some sort of hate-filled woman who's decided she can't and won't love the baby inside her. I felt you got the balance between anticipation and fear pretty much spot on. And Peeta, oh! He was lovely, as he can be expected to be. I really, really enjoyed this. |
fanficreader23 chapter 1 . 3/4/2012 I love this story so much! So cute, so touching in every which way! Possibly one of the best. The plot was great, little details of their old attitudes still are relived! It's so cute. :3 |
11h05 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012 So real and so sad. I hear you, Katniss, I don't want kids too. I know she changed her mind, but ugh. |
The Enchanted Teakettle chapter 1 . 2/24/2012 This was really wonderful! I think you captured Katniss and her fear so well. I loved all the interactions between the characters, and the little moments of humor among the challenges. Your Haymitch was perfect, and some of his lines cracked me up. Well done! :D |
DragonLacrima chapter 1 . 2/21/2012 I've read some of your stories and think they are good. The way you write flows very well. |
Anon chapter 1 . 2/20/2012 This literally is what happens between the end of Mockingjay and the epilogue. They might as well have printed this in between the two parts. Bravo, seriously. Easily one of the best pieces of fan fiction I've ever read on this site for ANY series as far as keeping in character and style and grammar and everything. Go. you. |
D R O W N-I N-S E Q U I N S chapter 1 . 2/19/2012 You are absolutely brilliant. I am so in love with this that it literally hurts. I admit I was totally crying at some points. The way you write her emotions are just so genuine, the fact that they sometimes conflict, the confusion. And when you had her do the interview I felt so absurdly proud. Proud that she was standing up for herself just like the moment she clutched those berries. You have her personality so wonderfully down. The strength and the weakness too. I think that's one of the very lovable things about Katniss, she is so tragically human. And Peeta. I love Peeta and you write him brilliantly. Amazing story, I hope you write again soon! (: |
the iz chapter 1 . 2/18/2012 everything about this story is perfect. |
shelleylovinu chapter 1 . 2/16/2012 I love this story to death! I wanted to know so badly how Peeta convinced Katniss to have a baby when I read the epilogue. This fulfills that and them some. I almost see it as a continuation of your last story. Head cannon it is! I thought the pregnancy scare was imagined so well with the prevention shots. It fits wonderfully in the Capitol's futuristic world. I also applaud you for not having that be the reason she ends up being pregnant. They decide it. It's so true to Katniss's character to have her initially decide to do it for Peeta. Well, at least that's what she tries to convince herself. His excitement for it is so Peeta. He'd be a great dad. It was great to see the transition that she goes through. It's such a big change for her. She has no control over her body, and to see her struggle through that loss of control is great. One of my favorite parts is small, but just so so fantastic. When Haymitch is teasing her and all she wants is something sweet and sugary, Peeta knows exactly that. I don't even know if I caught it the first time I read it. It's so perfect. I loved the talk about having sex while pregnant. He read up on it. Hilarious. So glad she eventually caved. It was a really smoking hot scene. Yay Johanna! Love that character, and how she got Katniss to realize how great of parents they would be. Katniss and Haymitch's relationship is one of my favorites. The knitting/blanket scene was very cute, and it played well with their back and forth dynamic. I loved how the interview came about. Katniss so determined to keep them out of it - hiding in the closet even - but coming to realize that she didn't have a choice. It played well for the interviewer to realize that talk about the past wasn't what needed to happen. It was about their life now. My ultimate favorite has to be the shiny moment Peeta has at the end. It's really my favorite thing that came out of Mockingjay and to see how it still affects him after all this time. It's so hard to see Peeta having to deal with it when he thought he didn't have to anymore. Katniss following him around making him realize that they are still sick, but they have each other... love! He hovers again. Be still my heart. She tries to keep her legs closed! She wants to keep it safe. That is so Katniss. Oh, and little sweet Dani (great name). She looks like Katniss too! Such a beautiful ending with the primrose necklace. It comes full circle. You're just so fucking fantastic. I'm in awe of your talent. Thank you for this story. |
MarieLewis chapter 1 . 2/13/2012 This was so sweet, and beautiful, and in character. *sighs* The best Hunger Games fic yet! |
prgirly chapter 1 . 2/11/2012 Amazing!, just lovely! |
mckinnon-m chapter 1 . 2/11/2012 It's not fair the way your fanfiction make me feel. This is precious and amazing and I just love it! |