Reviews for The Serpents' Child
hobi13062013 chapter 47 . 12/9/2024
I was expecting a family friendly story but I liked it
nif-ravenpuff chapter 1 . 10/20/2024
Dang! I’m usually pretty accepting of unfinished stories knowing that I can just imagine the ending for myself. But wow, this one is so good, I really wish there was more. Potential readers should read it anyway. Especially if you’re a fan of tearing down misogynistic double standards.
cathn chapter 47 . 12/23/2023
Nooooooo! Just noooooooo! I can't believe this is an abandoned fic! I needed to know what happens. I have no idea what the spoiler meant and I'm completely invested. Has the finished fic been posted elsewhere?

Anyway, thanks so much for sharing this much already. I hope that it was finished somewhere.
Treebrooke chapter 24 . 4/9/2023
This was an awesome story up until the Mammy elf part. Mammy is a racist term that really isn't ok to use.
Harry2 chapter 16 . 1/31/2023
Bella had a mother moment. The pictures gave her some understanding into Hermione's muggle life. And telling Roddy that she did not want to lose her again proved it.
Harry2 chapter 4 . 1/31/2023
Lucius has found Hermione! Now, NOW, once she is in Hogwarts, the games to remove Dumbledore CAN BEGIN!
Harry2 chapter 3 . 1/31/2023
Dumbledore, your name is going to be mud when Bella and Roddy get out! They will not rest until they find Hermione! Add in the Malfoy's and YOU are the one heading for Azkabahn!
Harry2 chapter 1 . 1/31/2023
Seeing Bella being a mother is very nice. But, I smell trouble for anyone who harms her child!
Guest chapter 40 . 12/27/2022
How do you sleep with a snake wrapped around you?!
Harry2 chapter 10 . 12/28/2022
Bella is many things, but mess with her daughter, and you will face an irate momma wolf! A momma wolf out for payback!
Nina.Lestrange chapter 12 . 11/2/2022
Omg their namesNarcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix and Rodolphus) in anagram
Author you have my respect
Lizzarnia5887 chapter 47 . 10/4/2022
I adore this story! I'm sad you haven't updated in years
Dreamer Marie Ka chapter 47 . 9/21/2022
wait what
Sandy2348 chapter 47 . 5/27/2022
Gah I hope you continue
buttons1721 chapter 47 . 4/18/2022
I sincerely hope that one day you will be able to continue the story! You have captivated my attention the entire time I've been reading this story!
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