Reviews for The Master of Death
Nights Silhouette chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
A nice chapter, keep it up.
Jonny Napalm chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Powerful and evocative images throughout the chapter. Some really terrific prose and building of story. Nicely done. Great work.
firelordeg chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
i love this story please continue to write more fantastic chapters as soon as life allows
tenchifew chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Most fascinating story.
Looking forward to see just who the giants are.
Thank you for writing.
Dorben chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Wow! This is veeeeeeeeeery good. Better than good. This is fantastic, brilliant, amazing. I loved it.
Definitely adding you in my favourite authors.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Rough, looks like it's time for old man Harry to earn the tite of MASTER OF DEATH to the max.

It's time for Atlantis here to fucking go DOWN... or Lemuria or wherever the hell this is.
AiSard chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Kinda liking where you're taking this latest arc, what you've shown of it atleast, was totally expecting elves at the bottom of the sea D really curious about the rest though.

I found Harry's thinking process reaaally weird though.. almost alien. And I know it comes partially from being Master of Death and all that, but damn man..

Can't quite pin down whats bugging me, but generally Harry seems to react rather than act, and when he does react he does so according to .. whimsical thoughts? if that makes sense? An emotion, a passing thought, is all that is needed to get him to start reacting. And his reactions are powerful, as befitting his powers and station.

In a sense he seems like the Greek Gods, who were caricatures of human traits, and played with human lives with a certain.. whimsy.

There never seems to be much thinking, planning, strategizing aforehand with Harry, its like he reacts and MOVES.. and only then does he throw a few thoughts in to the mix, commenting on something interesting he didn't see at first, or something he misunderstood. Never seems to be any deep planning with him / idk, it just felt .. fae ...

Anyways, really enjoying it so far, hopefully this current arc fleshes out more soon so we have a better idea wth is happening p

I found Harry's thinking process in this chapter reaaaally strange though, at times he seems almost a caricature of himself (which is kind of hard to avoid seeing as Harry is pretty much Death..) but his reactions seem.. lackadaisal? without a care? random emotions ping around in his human brain and, without too much thought on it, he acts.

He sees slaves, he frees them.

There doesn't seem to be much contemplation on the context, any strategic planning beforehand. What if there were 30'000 slaves in that tower? what if they were under the greatest military force of the Giants (and so would have to exit by stealth) Harry seems to see, do, and only then think about what he's done..

He frees the slaves before he knows his surroundings, before crafting an exit strategy.
vete chapter 9 . 1/5/2013
Entertaining chapter deffently want read more. Fun to see Harry interacting in the past!
Oculus Lupus chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
Brilliant chapter! I like this Harry, who seems to have modeled himself after Dumbledore. Keep it up.
Midoriryu chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
A savior, yet not. What mixed feeling Harry must be feeling now.
OctoberThirtyFirst chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
Damn that was hauntingly beautiful. Had shivers all down my back. Great stuff, looking forward to the grand escape.
NorthSouthGorem chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
Beansidhe? I'm guessing that's an ancient way of saying Banshee. Took me a minute to make that connection. As for the giant...Blech! That's disturbing, that is. All in all, another great addition to a wonderful story.
Death in a Pink Boa chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
Delightful to see you getting a new chapter up on FFN
Woresangez chapter 9 . 1/4/2013
I like this. It's very intriguing what you're doing here, and I've not really ever read a story of this kind before, especially not in Fanfiction. While I guess I should have some more criticism for you than just a shout of "Moar!", I'm sorry to say I don't. I think you're doing a marvelous job and I'm waiting eagerly for the next chapter. A very happy new year to you. :)
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Well, someone's screwed it seems.

Good start, and I rather liked the "crushing" crossing of verses... very unique.
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