Reviews for Promises of a Wandering Hero
Chaos Snow Kitsune chapter 1 . 7/22/2024
LMAO... Shirou just can't stay out of trouble, can he?
EmiyaNeedsLOVE chapter 20 . 6/9/2024
OH SHIT, a battle between two little sister's! Their battle shall be legendary!
EmiyaNeedsLOVE chapter 1 . 6/9/2024
Hahaha poor shirou I kinda remember the plot of "Love Hina" and boi is there going to be a lot of ecchi!
Ash the Aura Guardian chapter 29 . 6/8/2024
Man, I’m so glad for the hero who brought out this rant from you and gave us an advance warning of what’s to come. Now I can drop this story 4 chapters earlier than I would otherwise.
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 30 . 4/12/2024
Sadly I already read the whole story :(

Great story till now
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 29 . 4/12/2024
I mean it’s sakuras timeline if NTR it would be her or shirou but he wouldn’t betray her and she has no interest in doing something either.

Rin and rider are free to do anything
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 26 . 4/12/2024
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 25 . 4/12/2024
Rider saves the day
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 24 . 4/12/2024
Nice chap
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 21 . 4/11/2024
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 18 . 4/11/2024
Great as always
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 17 . 4/11/2024
You atleast don’t let it die. So you are already better than 90 percent
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 16 . 4/11/2024
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 14 . 4/11/2024
Ts a fair chapter
ErwinvonBeckendorf chapter 13 . 4/11/2024
Eh more for us to read
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