Reviews for With You by My Side
daniboy95 chapter 18 . 3/15/2012
A fantastic story and I can't wait for more chapters

Love it and everything about it. They're really going to give Dumbledore an ass whooping in the future.
Cateagle chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
Nice discussion between Hermione and Lydia; I suspect this is quite the first for Hermione. Meanwhile, I reckon the Dursleys are finding at least some of Harry's friends quite acceptable (wonder how they're taking it that Harry's best friend (and more) is the daughter of a couple they know well?). An interesting return from Hogwarts that likely will lead to a rather interesting summer.
TsukiyoTenshi chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
flame55 chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
this is great
happylady chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
This chapter was worth the wait, I really enjoyed it!

Until next time

Smithback chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
RobC chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
Good part, and decent Dursleys, still weird. :)
AnFan-n-More chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
Great chapter! I think this is the first one I've seen with Hermione visiting the Dursley's. Well, I should qualify that as the first time without a fight occurring. I really like this story and I look forward to your next chapter :)
ObsessedWithHPFanFic chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
Good chapter and great to see the Dursleys and Grangers getting along. Fun explanation for friends to lovers in the ending of this chapter. Thanks for sharing!
MariusDarkwolf chapter 18 . 3/14/2012
Good update. Liked the parcel scene as well as the girl talk scene. Looking forward to more
timunderwood9 chapter 14 . 3/10/2012
" I think that in the original version HP-PS, the Flamells did not give the stone to Dumbledore willingly"

Probably not Rowling's intended interpretation, but the only view which has ever made sense to me is that its a fake stone. And Dumbledore probably knows that, but Voldemort doesn't.
timunderwood9 chapter 10 . 3/9/2012
Hmmmm, first I'm enjoying the story, though the premise is a bit silly, but the H/Hr goodness is there.

I think though, beyond your seeming to misunderstand the relationship between the first and second law (matter and energy are the same thing, and a conversion doesn't change the total amount of energy- the loss is that entropy always increases).

Anyways far more importantly as a criticism, and not excusable under literary license, is that something as simple as 'transfiguration doesn't modify mass' is so obvious that it would be noticed. So it not being noticed is bad for suspension of disbelief. It isn't internally consistent, physics working differently is completely fine, I mean this is a universe with magic. Everybody missing something obvious isn't.

Though this isn't a serious problem, so long as it isn't too pervasive and bad. I mean the loss of suspension doesn't interfere with the Harmony goodness, and functions to make the characters seem cooler.

Having said that minimalism is often good. Doing as little as possible to make the characters cool, while still leaving them really cool is usually best. If they have every advantage you can think up it kind of is pointless. There is no challenge.

Of course maybe you are the sort of person who likes to play games in godmode. If so your aesthetics might simply differ from mine- still minimizing powers is usually best.
Jfitzgerald chapter 17 . 3/9/2012
PLease update again soon. Thanks.
Skelo chapter 17 . 3/7/2012
great fic nice and innocent. Loved hermione's reason for telling harry not to fly that day. Keep it up!
ravenknight117 chapter 17 . 3/5/2012
cant wait for the next chapter it is very interesting please up date soon
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