Reviews for With You by My Side
Guest chapter 1 . 2/29/2024
This is why I’m always saying Harry and Hermione should’ve gotten together in canon (in response to the start of the chapter) if Hermione had become Lady Potter, the two of them would both have been HJP
Pointer3109 chapter 29 . 2/28/2024
Let's see. Kidnapping for Dumbledore (Harry). 2 counts of attempted murder (Flamels) 1 of illegal incarceration (Sirius). That's for starters.

Dumbledore claimed the Stone was destroyed when he didn't actually know. That would indicate he had no intention of returning it to the Flamels even if found. Which would kill them so far as he knew.
Pointer3109 chapter 26 . 2/27/2024
1) I would tell the Flamels about the issues they're having with Horcruxes in general and Harry's in particular and see if they have any suggestions.

2) Harry can't be a 'proper' horcrux since the ritual was never run on him. No protections that the others may have for one.

3) The boxes don't allow magic either direction and may stop the horcruxes from functioning correctly.

Good story.
Pointer3109 chapter 18 . 2/26/2024
"Dudley tried to stammer out an apology, that was exactly what he thought of her, but could not say that to her face."
Showing more sense than Ron, at least.
FrostyBehemoth chapter 3 . 1/16/2024
What is this shit about a medative technique to pit memories in a trunk? come the fuck on. Where the hell have you EVER in your LIFE heard of someone doing that?

"Yeah kid, just imagine all your memories are stored in a trunk, it'll help" the fuck kind of delusional shit is that. Please use your fucking imagination and think if a better fucning way, fuck.

How the hell are you suppsed to read this story when you throw around shut that makes no sense? let alone somethung that someone would teach a fucking child, LET ALOME A CHILD ACTUALLY ABLE TO LEARN IT. Fuckkkkkk.

Look, your writing skills aren't bad. but come on, think of something better then that.

whats with authors and giving there characters everyhting before harrry even steps foot in hogwarts?

Do some fancy shit, lile one day hes doing meditation exercises, and it says to try and focus on something, so he focuses on a library, then he actually finds himself there, touches a book and is like oh shit, cool.

Something unique, but still half fucking believable then some random muggle telling some fucking small child, yeah imagine your memories is a fucking trunk. Why the fuck would someone say that? who DON'T fukcing know mind magic?

You know what, could even get snape to vist the kid in the libary, slip him a book, journal or just some tips. No normal guy is say that type of shit.
Kai chapter 6 . 12/27/2023
I wonder why Harry is so impressed with the ceiling. For a muggleborn (or -raised) it's really nothing special. Look through the ceiling and see the sky. Yeah, sounds like glass or Plexiglas. Admittedly, not in 1000 AD, so the founders DID something miraculous, but that's not when the story takes place, and Harry is a modern, muggle-influenced wizard.
Guest chapter 32 . 12/1/2023
McKinnon Family has been wiped out so whoever is related holds their votes
Guest chapter 32 . 12/1/2023
McKinnon Family has been wiped out so whoever is related holds their votes
mintuo chapter 18 . 11/29/2023
maiqsmail chapter 12 . 10/3/2023
Slow going fic and the conversations and punctuation are very awkward. More like a bunch of words slapped together. Hard to read. And they're surprisingly isolated from the rest of the world, just the two of them in the whole fic. No Draco, no mudblood business, no Harry shutting down his unlicensed books or getting legal help? I think I'll discontinue reading this.
maiqsmail chapter 6 . 10/3/2023
Okay, so we just got past 1st day of Hogwarts and it's already clear that a lot of characters are so OOC that is better to consider this AU.
Lisa Cooper chapter 9 . 9/23/2023
I love your inclusion of science in this story. As I am reading, I’m trying to remember my basic science classes at least in college. (My Dad’s undergraduate degree was in Chemistry, and that fascinated me. Unfortunately I got stuck in Math classes, and so advanced Science classes were barred to me by the requirement of college Algebra. The Education major in me never solved that there has to be a better way! Your hints of Science in this story nevertheless are very intriguing to me.) Thanks for the story.
nemker chapter 56 . 8/30/2023
I really like your novel the only thing that bothered me is the overuse of flashback.
keht.jelicho chapter 15 . 8/29/2023
I believe it is canon that the Potters and Longbottoms are related, with one of Neville's direct ancestors having been a daughter of Potter who married into the family. Thus if bloodline is the criteria for drawing the Sword of Gryffindor then Neville could do so as well.
keht.jelicho chapter 15 . 8/29/2023
personal opinion on Ravenclaw is that it has BECOME more associated with booksmarts, just as Slytherin has BECOME associated with pureblood supremacists, and Gryffindor is reckless bravado. The INTENT for each being Ravenclaw for Intelligence, Wit, Innovation, and a certain Eccentricity of thought (of which Luna is a prime exampleSlytherin for Ambition, Cunning, Planning/Plotting, and lofty Aspirations; Gryffindor for Bravery, Honor, Chivalry, and Self-discipline. Hufflepuff is seen negatively as being for the "duffers" or dregs, and positively for the Hardworking, Loyal, and Trustworthy; however, I think it was really meant for those who fit two or even all three of the other houses to such degree that a sorting to any one would actually be detrimental, as well as those that Don't fit any of the other three: the Loyalty and Hardwork are more so what they Learn in the house Because they are looked down on- they both have to stick together and support one another and need to work hard to prove their worth over the preconceived opinions others have for their house.
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