Reviews for Turnabout is Fair Play
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 45 . 3/15
gotta say, i loved Kagome beating the shit out of Kikyo
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 44 . 3/15
this fic is so good. can't stop reading lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 36 . 3/15
i couldn't find the lemon chapter anywhere
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 30 . 3/15
I started this yesterday and I'm already just about half way through lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 25 . 3/15
love the whole role-reversal thing lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 24 . 3/15
ahhhhhh, the cliffy! lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 20 . 3/15
well, after 3.5 hours of sleep, I'm back to reading lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 19 . 3/15
okay, it's 5am and I gotta try and sleep lol I'll keep on reading later! really hooked
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 18 . 3/15
man. it's now 4:30am and I still can't get myself to stop reading and sleep lol tomorrow's gonna be tough
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 15 . 3/15
it's 3:30am and I couldn't sleep because I just had to keep reading lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 14 . 3/14
I wanna keep reading, but I gotta sleep sometime. lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 13 . 3/14
I can't stop reading. it's two in the morning lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 12 . 3/14
dun, dun, duunnnnn
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 9 . 3/14
well, that escalated quickly lol
InuyashaKagome4everandalways chapter 6 . 3/14
omg that had me laughing lol
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