Reviews for Iridescent
Eidelvyd chapter 1 . 12/28/2024
Hey there! I have no idea if you still monitor your account at all, but just in case, I want you to know that I still love this story. I think I read it back in 2018 for the first time, and I think about it almost daily. I adore it. I love your characterizations, I love the plot, I love everything about it. I recommend this story to everyone who talks to me about Tomarry fics for longer than five minutes. Thank you so much for this masterpiece, it's genuinely one of the best stories I've ever read.
Elaelle chapter 1 . 10/26/2024
Je sais que ton histoire est tiré d'un manhwa yaoi que j'ai lu sur bentomanga je ne me rappelle plus le titre mais tu ne devrais pas t'attribuer le travail d'un autre ou au moins le dire dans le disclaimer, plagieur !
pupzpride chapter 1 . 8/4/2024
Wow this is a good read! But want more…
FriendlyReviewer chapter 18 . 5/9/2022
Love, love, love. I think it's written really well and Tom's actually canon psychopath-come-jerk personality was shown through well. I especially like the characterization, and while I feel that Canon Harry would not actually be into Tom in this case, it's a tomarry and you can't have it without that little fact. I like their dynamic, but there's a weird power imbalance between them because in some cases it's like 'Harry defied him, as no-one had done before, and that was very attractive' and then there's 'but they both knew who would win' and 'Harry himself knew it was a losing battle'. So I didn't really get that part but I love the rest. Bitchy Draco was my fav because I can totally imagine him like this!

Also, is this the end or is there more? The chapter is named differently which might indicate it's an epilogue and I also feel like this is a good place to cut it off, so?

Sorry for the really long review and thank you for giving us access to this MASTERPIECE!

PS: Why did you name the chapters by colour, if I can ask?
AytiFox chapter 18 . 4/28/2022
AytiFox chapter 17 . 4/28/2022
Bon je pense j'ai ma réponse concernant la suite pour Snape mdr.
Aie, Snape en serial killer, j'avais jamais vu et je dois avouer que ça m'a surprise. Dans le bon sens, j'aurais jamais penser que la personne qui a tué les parents de Harry était Severus. Goddamn c'était un super chapitre, hâte de lire la fin !
AytiFox chapter 15 . 4/28/2022
Ce chapitre est juste fou, on découvre toutes les facettes de Tom et je sais pas comment décrire ça mais les personnages que tu nous donnes sont si bien décrits et si réalistes, si humain. J'ai adoré voir Tom perdre le contrôle. J'ai pas dormi de la nuit à cause de ton histoire tellement c'était bien. Ton style d'écriture est tellement bien et entraînant. On a pas envie que ça s'arrête mais on a envie que ça avance et de voir comment ça va se terminer.
J'ai beaucoup aimé la place que tu as laissé à Snape et je me demande si on va le revoir par la suite dans un rôle secondaire un peu important ou si c'est fini (les 2 sont bien selon moi j'ai pas d'avis). Chaque persos a son rôle dans la vie d'Harry mais ils ne sont pas seulement là pour donner de la profondeur au personnage principal.
Bref, ton histoire est juste incroyablement incroyable, ça devient rare de lire des histoires aussi biens.
MERCI, merci de partager ton fabuleux travail !
Guest chapter 18 . 5/17/2020
This story is FUCKING AMAZING! Like holy shit! I was so enthralled with this story i did NOT put it down! I love Harry so much and Tom... You bastard! I loved him to and that ending! Holy shit i reread those chapter cause i was so shocked and impressed! Severus was a... Oh god i should have guessed but he was so perfectly creepy i never would have guessed and Tom... Oh. My. Lanta... That little bitch! I lost my mind and through the phone down in shock! That was seriously twisted! Im so... Im speechless and i love this story its saved it my MUST reread Fics! You are a amazing writer! I will definitely be rereading!
wolfydies chapter 17 . 4/5/2020
I wish you would write a sequel, but I can see how this would make sense for an ending. I can't see them every having a completely peaceful relationship. I image them breaking up an endless number of time without harry ever admitting they are together.
Wandering-Mind 95 chapter 18 . 3/23/2020
i should've seen the Tom twist coming but i had dismissed him a few chapters before 'sigh' dumb me lol
I really didn't see Snape being the killer and it wa helluva creepy 'shudders' with his obsession with Lily transplanted onto Harry
I loved it though and the fact that Tom's true colors were finally revealed fully was icing on the cake! The whole story was just talking about Tom's power but we never actually saw it until now. Perfectly executed and that ending...I was dying of laughter! Yeah Harry, we defnitely heard that one before!
Aqua Lilly chapter 18 . 12/2/2019
Follow up comment: Just noticed that this story is completed. Any chance that you are gonna write a sequel?
Aqua Lilly chapter 18 . 12/2/2019
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad I checked to see if you write anything else worth reading. Tom/Harry is my OTP guilty pleasure! Aaaaaahhh! Can't wait for an update!
Lokis Maurader chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
Really great story. Just have one question: are they in America? Because you mentioned that Sirius joined the FBI...
Mirage chapter 18 . 9/22/2019
interesting Story and i love this pairing Tom as ich powerful mob Boss...that really does gow well for him_ and how they did try to get what they did want or did fight what they did think they dt Need or want and then inn end founnd out that they really are made for each other and there Little or big fights really gives them the extra bite they Need and still have there loving gentle calm moments with doing nothing, or being gentle or calm or just being with each other would be interesting to read more about them maybe in a second part
and is blaize an other mob Boss under Tom?
yaoifangirl15 chapter 18 . 8/13/2019
this fic has 'Totally Captivated' all over it!

its pretty good! tho the ending couldve gone better where harry gets a bit of a denial stint or a cooling off phase away from tom.. and a bit more in depth scene of how they're living after the events with snape..
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