Reviews for Summer of the Dragon
Guest chapter 41 . 11/30
MotekElm chapter 41 . 8/23
Beth1112 chapter 42 . 6/14
I really enjoyed your story.
Anathemaa chapter 34 . 11/23/2023
wahou I didn't see that coming ! It is things like that that makes a good story. It is 3 am now... of course I am not going to sleep but I don't think I gonna regret it tomorrow haha (ok maybe a little...)
Anathemaa chapter 4 . 11/23/2023
I know you didn't update your story for... wahou 10 years already but just to let you know that the parts in french in this chapter aren't accurate.

1. Chaton anglé means nothing in French so I find hard to believe a street could be named like it :)

2. In French (and in all the latin languages), we build the sentence in a very different way to say that we missed somebody. We actually say : You me miss instead of I miss you. So it goes as : Vous m'avez manqué instead of "j'ai manqué vous" as you wrote.

Voilà ! :) english being only my second language I know how it is.
Kiwi chapter 15 . 2/16/2023
Girl they're literally abusing each other and there's several more chapters to go. I'm tapping out.
MelCrooks chapter 42 . 11/7/2022
Fantastic read. Thanks for sharing!
Amberlina0418 chapter 42 . 10/29/2021
great story!
EndlessRdr2022 chapter 41 . 9/28/2021
Aww. You know, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, but it turned out to be a fun little (ish) story! Thanks.
Guest chapter 42 . 9/20/2021
this is so beautiful! i love every single chapter in this story! thank u for sharing this ure def awesome! xx
Guest chapter 41 . 8/31/2021
What an excellent final kiss!

By the way, you hit 1,100 reviews on December 19th, 2017. Congrats for reaching 1,200 reviews on August 31st, 2021!
Mickey Carmichael chapter 41 . 8/20/2021
Very enjoyable to read, thankyou. Enjoyed the plot- even without too much lemon but great concept with original characters as well. Awesome!
statetech0 chapter 8 . 7/11/2021
Sophie and Ruskle walking in on them was funny!
triojediknights chapter 7 . 7/11/2021
She broke it off with Phillip pretty quickly... Almost prefer him to Draco... he's grown on me...
CaliforniaTexasNorthCarolina chapter 6 . 7/11/2021
OK, that kiss when Draco just pushes her up against the mountain and kisses her and she is starting to kiss back and they are fondling each other was HOT!
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