Reviews for Head over Feet
southernpur-rica chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Oh my jaysus, they would have alcohol poisoning if they took a shot every time she said butter!... Isn’t tweed itchy, and kinda plaid-y too? Those patches on old guys jackets! Ewww, no, that’s rough
Hushi Taloa chapter 16 . 5/3/2019
I truly love all your stories.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/6/2019
I love your writing and I love your characters but Bella got a little nutso in that chapter. Lol.
alli62 chapter 16 . 3/2/2019
I loved this story. I am smiling like an idiot. Thank you.
Sassyvampmama chapter 16 . 2/6/2019
Cute and short and sweet, thanks for sharing.
ladylibre chapter 16 . 12/7/2018
Short and sweet! I have a feeling these two kids are gonna make it.

Thanks for writing!
LemonDropMartini chapter 14 . 10/5/2018
You had me laughing so hard I cried... which is bad since I'm at work... I love you, and your stories.
mytwilightaddiction chapter 16 . 9/3/2018
Great story I really enjoy reading it.. your Bella is hilarious lol
Lizzie Paige chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Going for another round with this lot. :)
GinnyW 31 chapter 16 . 8/26/2018
So nice to see this story completed! I had followed it long ago. Thanks so much for writing!
babylou23 chapter 16 . 8/20/2018
Loved this story, so funny but sweet
Guest chapter 16 . 7/26/2018
Thanks for making me laugh at loud - I needed these characters in my life!
Darienlover chapter 16 . 7/22/2018
Sooo, unpopular opinion here, but this Bella annoyed the heck out of me. Too much neurosis on this one. Edward must have been a saint an truly in love to find any of that hot mess attractive. Other than that, this little fic was golden, really funny, awsomely written, loved all the characters except Bella. Yes, even Tanya. so thank you for sharing and producing this stories of yours, I really like the way you write and the stories coming out of you head.
hollywood0878 chapter 16 . 7/22/2018
I just found this story I love your sense of humor this story was so funny I absolutely loved it loved it loved it loved it
blackcat05 chapter 16 . 7/13/2018
Haven’t been on the site in a while and was thrilled to see you finished this story. It made me remember what I like most about fanfiction- great writers having fun with with terrific characters. I enjoy your writing very much. Thanks for the update!
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