Reviews for Harry and the Pirates
CaBuckeye chapter 36 . 11/27/2024
As an FYI in "Lost Child" JKR states that Myrtle's full name is Myrtle Elizabeth Warren", too late now to do anything about it.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 79 . 11/1/2024
Thanks for updating. :)
Verina Du'Arden chapter 79 . 5/27/2024
Love this story! Looking foreward to more, More, MORE!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2024
1 chapter in and loving this already.
Jostanos chapter 79 . 4/8/2024
omake: Draco had an interesting dream that night. He dreamt that he was in a corridor of some sort with a squat clothed skeleton standing in the middle of it.

Said Skeleton's eyes were glowing as they asked "Do you want to have a bad time? Because if you keep acting like you have been? Buddy.. "

Before anything more could be said Draco woke up in a pool of sweat. "What in Merlin's name was that?"

omake end.
Ace of Hate chapter 79 . 3/25/2024
Will you show more Roanapur action? Maybe condense the Hogwarts chapters? I'd like to see more of Harry and Dudley's adventures around Roanapur.
dan.lew.upg chapter 79 . 3/10/2024
Can't wait for more
iamshinydragonmist chapter 79 . 3/8/2024
great story just found it and binged it.

also i see you ate an anime fan so goodbye Akira toriyama
cko2 chapter 79 . 3/7/2024
Wow, cool update and I can not wait to see just what Luna has planned to deal with the blond idiot.
Cutting a few old-time families into the coke biz is an idea to help from being blind sided by the government.
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 79 . 3/7/2024
Seem to vaguely recall, so I could be wrong, that they're also friendly with Neville.

So his Gran as another benefactor in the Geezergamot might also be handy.

Ideally you'd want one in each of the camps, but I don't recall them having any real links to the Neutrals, so can't make a suggestion there.
excessivelyperky chapter 79 . 3/6/2024
Yes, getting Mr. Parkinson on side would be a good idea-also, if people think "PD" includes Parkinson, there would be less resistance from the more pureblood elements. Also, he could run interference in the Wizengamot the way Snape suggested could be a problem if they didn't have anyone there.

I am surprised the Twins don't try the paper airplane spell so popular at the Ministry. Or paying Phil, the Slytherin of Insufficient Light, to put their names in.

As for the veela-kind, a very quiet lesbian might be susceptible to their charm. And a gay male classmate not.

Yeah, the Roanpur crew will need to learn Volapuk (too many Esperanto people still out there). Or Navajo.

And Draco needs another swirlie lesson, so beloved of restrooms everywhere.
DarkRavie chapter 79 . 3/6/2024
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Pyeknu chapter 79 . 3/6/2024
And now comes the Tournament insanity. Joy...!
Monster King chapter 79 . 3/6/2024
Awesome work please continue the story
frankieu chapter 79 . 3/6/2024
nice chapter thx for writing it
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