Reviews for Harry Potter and the Ultimate Force
Spica75 chapter 10 . 12/23/2024
Something along the same lines, try looking up "The list" by kathryn518.
A very thoroughly made list about the Hogwarts professors, by Hermione.
Ranking them based on how well they have done their job.
And the little chat with Minerva, that she has about it.

It's a quite good trashing of the so called "professors".
Spica75 chapter 7 . 12/23/2024
Mmm, Rowan and Ash are two completely different trees.
Sorbus and Fraxinus, to use the latin genus.
Rönnbär and Ask to use the Swedish name(and the other Nordic languages are close).

Rowans are sometimes called Mountain-ash, but they have no other connection to Ash than looking similar.
Lamorak Korving chapter 2 . 11/8/2024
I loved the way Urd got the Dursleys AND Dumbledore to back off. To the best of my knowledge,
NOBODY has ever managed to do that before.
Nyx Nightmare chapter 1 . 11/8/2024
I like this story so far, and my twin sister is a little like Skuld, but not completely.
Maglad chapter 12 . 2/23/2024
This is an absolutely lovable story. I hope the author comes back to continue its sister story one day.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/21/2024
Loved the story and its characters, wonderful job on writing it!
wolfpackgigglesback chapter 22 . 11/20/2023
bobthebuilding chapter 7 . 9/25/2023
Haddock, Haddock, Haddock and Haddock: A Family Firm.
ChildeRoland13 chapter 2 . 9/16/2023
Clearly, Thor's mother is single mom after her boyfriend got her pregnant and then ran off, so she gave her son her surname to spite his father. Simple enough.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2023
Never seen/read OMG! and thus just realized that a very long fanfic I read a long time ago is a crossover.

Well, it was already a crossover with pretty much everything (MLP Time Loops, by Saphroneth), but the entire time loop system is based on this divine system.

Had no idea.
L33t Horo chapter 7 . 11/20/2022
i have to correct something in the magic here, it is not law of similarity, it is sympathetic resonance, in which an object or being that belongs to someone or something can be defined using part of it...
L33t Horo chapter 18 . 11/19/2022
if i remember correctly Urd and Belldandy use racing brooms, they can be made, Hild also has a "broom" of sorts... (more like a vacuum cleaner in the "shape" of a broom) just saying
CarolsSister chapter 17 . 10/18/2022
Tradition - peer pressure from dead people.
adelalovesmadara chapter 15 . 8/3/2022
Definitely not one side, are you kidding? Four Gryffindors vs one Slytherin, how is that fair? Gods Lupin you arsehole.
adelalovesmadara chapter 15 . 8/3/2022
Why Hagrid why not McGonagall
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