Reviews for put down your sword and crown
the boulevard chapter 4 . 4/16/2014
Because its this story, and I love it.
the boulevard chapter 3 . 4/16/2014
I love Kol. We all love kol!...
I think...
the boulevard chapter 2 . 4/16/2014
I wish I could write like this. Then my life would be kick ass.
the boulevard chapter 1 . 4/16/2014
This is my fourth time reading this.
All I have to say is that this is one of the best pieces of literary justice I have ever read. If I was to loose my glasses and become almost blind again, at least I have read this.
wontyoutakeachance chapter 11 . 3/4/2014
GoldenRoza chapter 11 . 2/24/2014
This story is so amazing just seriously amazing and wow... I think I'm still in shock to be honest I just discovered this story while browsing fanfiction... yeah I have no life; anyway, I loved reading this so much so thank for not deleting it or whatever and for being such an amazing writer:)
EpicFantasyStories chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
Okay I dont ever remeber learning how to drive to be THAT hard lol. But rebekahs comment on how they're already dead was pretty funny.
natalie chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
kills me everytime. you are all the talent. and I know it wouldn't work and the bittersweet open ending works ... but could you consider a crack/fluff sequel where they come back?
incrediduck chapter 11 . 2/16/2014
This story is absolutely amazing and it's just crazy to think of how mind-bogglingly cute and full of good-ol Mikealson intimidation it is. Honestly, the sheer amount of detail (the differences in the dancing! the stopping of cars for squirrels! the tying in of the beginning and the end and making me cry!) is incredible. But I think what I like the most is the major family bonding sess and the fact that the Original family got to be happy and rekindle all these old relationships and make new ones and turn me into a feels mess.
Thank you for writing one of my all-time favorite fics ever 3
AA121 chapter 11 . 1/17/2014
I like this ending. It's frustrating but I can imagine that they go for a drive, end up at prom, and the originals are all there waiting for them. or maybe not then, 50 years later, somewhere.
AA121 chapter 10 . 1/17/2014
That scene when Klaus and Caroline finally ... I mean ... it is the most perfect ... yes
justaspark chapter 10 . 1/14/2014
I'm sorry, but I had to follow up because I cannot believe I forgot to mention this in my completely incoherent and rather long-winded initial review/rant but... BLESS you for the magic that was Damon/KOL (Kamon? Dol?) because I never know I needed that bromance until you gave it to us. It honest to god just gives me SO much life. So thank you, again! xx
justaspark chapter 11 . 1/14/2014
Oh man where do I start? I just...can..not with this whole story. I mean, the Klaroline- the klaroline dammit! And Matt, getting all this money at the end because he really deserves something for everything he's been through and jaysus, KOL- my precious king- I could not handle his everything: his wonderful sentimentality and just, seamless slide back into the young boy he once was, back when they were all human and his Rebecca (GOD Rebecca), with her flashbacks and warm honey memories and how everyone just dotes on her and loves her so so ...SO. And that Klefan scene where Klaus talks of tearing down the house and oh, how they used to be such friends way back when, in another life, and now here they are, with one fading so quickly and Stefan so quiet because he's finding it too hard to imagine a time when they are no longer an OT.

And then life, for everyone, just- moving on. As it always does.

Fuck FUCK this story just hurts so good. So bittersweet and lovely and just, THANK YOU for this, for conceiving and for finishing it. It was well, well worth the wait. xx
TheWolfWithinMe chapter 11 . 1/14/2014
This is so beautifully written. Wow. Thank you. I really, really enjoyed it. You even made me like Elena. :)
nina.eden chapter 11 . 1/13/2014
oh dear, this is tragic. what makes it even more so is that there's never a note of finality in it - that kind of 'i love you' that encapsulates everything. i don't suppose you'll write a sequel (in fact, i hope you don't) because there's something complete about this throughly incomplete story, and i mean that in the nicest way i can. it's too raw, it's too cynical, and it's far too depressing and my heart is shattered and my mind is reeling and i'm a little upset. but i'm also intrigued and even though it kind of breaks my heart to say it, this is probably how things would've have gone (relationship wise) had Esther had her way. how morbid, eh?
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