Reviews for put down your sword and crown
fleshandbonetelephoneleftyoooo chapter 11 . 1/11/2014
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah - we have a lot to talk about. Our obsession with existential-crisis roadtrips is clearly one of the things we should talk about years down the line, but right now I need to ask you how many virgins you have been sacrificing to satan to make you so high on writing-talent that you think it's okay to murder your readers with it.

I have been waiting for this update for a thousand years, omg. When it came out I heard it coming down from the rooftops of tumblr, the manic weeping of several readers, and I was like, no. Hannah killed the dog. She probably killed the dog. I CANNOT SURVIVE THAT SHIT.

So I put it off, as I put off most of things bound to cause me psychological trauma for as long as I could, until today I was like...fuck it. LET'S GO.

So I read it.

Hannah, everything has come full circle. Beginning to end. It started with a ball, it started with a car (btw that tidbit with stebekah, stefan driving down the road alongside pedestrian Rebekah like a creep was so perfect. Because that's how it starts, and they end it with him kissing her, like a boy out of one of Klaus's paintings. Her offer for him to leave with her, which he doesn't take, because isn't that how their story always goes?), and it finishes with both. You started off with a ball, and the way you wrote it felt so wonderfully intimate (I know you mentioned that Mrs. Lockwood was there but) I hardly noticed that there were people, which is so fantastic, it felt like the only ones there were the ones who mattered (the Mystic Falls gang) and it all felt so secret and sweet. Rebekah's interactions with Elena are so perfect, her bitterness and betrayal and how she sort of feels Elena always gets the last say when it's really just Elena trying her hardest, trying to save everybody. And there's a sort of defeated reconciling here about that, isn't it? Rebekah in gold, and Elena in black. So realistic, so sentimental!

I looooove all the characters here. Elena's still planning to the end (meddling, that wonderful ho) and she DOES get the last say, I think (if SHE'S or if it was Stefan - somehow it was still HER brain and will propelling it into actuality - the one who planted the vials) and I love how open ended you left it, like maybe they took it, maybe they didn't, maybe it worked? we'll see.

You write Elena so perfectly, you make her relateable. This is the Elena of old I used to love so madly, and how do you write her? I really wanna know! I love how she's still pushing and Caroline's like don't. It's okay. When Caroline says "even if it hurts me." I sort of cried a little, ONLY A LITTLE. I AM A CAESAR. I HAVE NO USE FOR TEARS.

Okay, I cried a lot. I mean what else can they do? It's peaceful, it's better to let them go as a family. When Klaus skips town and then talks to Caroline on the phone it was so bitter-sweet. Ughhhh. Hannah you are evil. You write everything so your readers feel the characters acutely, feel exactly what they feel. Caroline doesn't say I love you. Klaus knows. And it doesn't matter. Which EXCUSE ME WHILE I THROW MYSELF OFF A CLIFF.

I love the fact that Rebekah gets her perfect ball, that Caroline helps her dress up, for Rebekah to feel so happy and light until Elena's appearance proverbially (and briefly) take a minor shit on it.

I know I love Caroline a lot but how you wrote Elena for me really moved me too. Because Elena's trying, it's all she can do. Sexing Elijah in the woods, and all that jazz. The blood vials, and how it hits Rebekah in the face suddenly that Elena kind of carries saving people as a great duty, it's something she has to do. It was such a sympathetic, powerful interaction.

Also, you are a queen for describing the difference between how Elejah and Klaroline dance together? Your writing is so full of tiny details that just make everything so perfect.


Amelia broke my heart, Stefan and Caroline broke my heart. Damon made me laugh so much I almost cried, your dialogue is perfect as always. How do you manage to be so melancholy and funny and write the most defeated people ever at the same time? HANNAH HOW DO YOU DO IT.



All I can say Hannah is that this is like my all time - ALL TIME! - favourite fic in the world. It's this sort of writing that just motivates me into doing more with my life, and believing that writing is a very powerful thing. It may be a fanfic but this story has touched a lot of hearts (When you ordered me the extra cheese was never optional) and touched mine a whole lot too. I met you when you were first writing this fic and you can really tell how it grew with you and you with it, and I just want to say fantastic job. Fantastic.

A lot of people will be coming back to this again and again, never stop writing, ever.

Love you,

ani.panch chapter 11 . 1/10/2014
The ending was just... I can't put it in words gosh! it got me so emotional, it was funny and sad at the same time. thank you very much for such wonderful writing, you're an amazing writer, and I hope to see new tvd fanfics from you!
NoSecretsHere chapter 11 . 1/9/2014
I can't even type. I mean I cried, nearly screamed, and laughed out loud literally through most of this story. It's just so brilliantly amazing that I'm sure you have set an unreachable expectation for all other stories I read. It was just so tragic and amazing. It felt so real. I really applaud you.
accepteren chapter 11 . 1/9/2014

That was so beautiful.

I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you for writing this, I guess. I just... ugh. I'm speechless.
Separator chapter 11 . 1/7/2014
It's funny and beautiful and builds on an interesting idea. This is definitely one of my very favourite TVD fics, and having an end to it is very nice... Even if it was heart-wrenching (my desk is kind of wet - I don't know how that happened...).
zingolies chapter 11 . 1/7/2014
This was flawless. A perfect end to a perfect story. It's one of those stories that I will re-read over and over again and never stop loving.
Devi Lethe chapter 11 . 1/6/2014
I don't really know what ending I expected this to have. Something big, surely. Something world breaking. Something enormous.

I was right. I just absolutely wasn't expecting this. It was far better and far more moving than I could have expected.

It's going to sound weird, I know, because I love this story in its entirety, but I hope you don't write a sequel. I hope you leave it exactly this raw and open-ended; exactly this cyclical and heart-breaking and real. I think part of what I love is how vital you've made the ending, largely because it isn't an ending. Not in any way shape or form and that's life. It's relentless and tragic and beautiful and the joy of it is that it goes on. The horror of it is that it goes on.

I'm pretty sure you captured that, at least for me as your reader, so I hope you don't write a sequel. I hope it stays just like this and leaves us wanting, keeps us waiting, because I can't imagine any other ending as perfectly alive.

Thank you for writing. :) It was a great ride.
flipped chapter 11 . 1/6/2014
thank you so much for finishing this. i missed your writing so much even though you keep breaking my heart. over and over. but with you, i don't think i'd take it any other way. i could always trust you to make it worth the while.
SeriouslySerious chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
I wish I could write you a review as beautifully written as your fic but I'm afraid I'm no wordsmith. That being said, I was completely blown away by the beauty of your prose and the philosophy of your story. You don't get a lot of existential Vampire Diaries fanfiction so I think it's safe to say this is one of a kind. Equally parts silly and profound, (I will never be able to look at Stefan without picturing a beard again), this was an absolute joy to read.
imperfectandchaotic chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
Hannah omfg I cannot deal with this I didn't realize you'd updated even the chapter before this one how do I go on without the perfection that is this fic THANKS A LOT FOR THOSE RESURGING ELEJAH FEELS OKAY JUST TELL ME THEY WENT BACK AT SOME POINT AND EVERYONE HAD THE SEXYTIMES AND I JSUTTTT...I LOVE YOU SO MUC H AND YOU ARE PERFECT
Hebi R chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
You kept breaking my heart. Over and over, you did it. And now you lay that bloody sword down on it. Vertically. Ow.
superkim111 chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
I'm sad to see this end. But if it had to happen, I'm glad that it happened like this. Thanks for the ride. It's been a blast.
Just-LiveLaughLove chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
I'm unable to rationalize that this story has drawn its curtains closed. You honestly, perfected this beautifully. You Did right by the characters and tugged on our hearts. I hope, beyond hope, that you will at least consider an epilogue. One last hurrah! A little peak at the possibilities of what would have or could have happened next... Pretty pretty please with a truck load of cherries on top... *holds out chocolate hearts/lollies (whatever floats your boat)*
thehybridmikaelson chapter 11 . 1/5/2014
playingcreator chapter 11 . 1/4/2014
This doesn't normally happen at all, but there were actually a few tears at the end there. Thank you for the story.
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