Reviews for Seeing and Observing
Caro chapter 6 . 7/1/2024
Oooh! I liked that last scene. Really looking forward to seeing if Sirius manages to protect Harry till September 1 in his animagus form. Does Holmes already know about magic?

I 'spose I must read to find, well. Nice chapter!
joelyn chapter 15 . 4/27/2024
Please more great story
Guest chapter 15 . 3/24/2023
Oh! To stop there! Thanks for leaving these 15 chapters up as they were very enjoyable. I wish you'd had time to finish the story, but RL does get in the way. Thanks for sharing your work.
Lune283119 chapter 15 . 4/29/2022
I love this story so much. Please update
sasserus snape chapter 15 . 12/3/2021
I love this so much oh my godddddd
AlexiaCyprienCullen chapter 15 . 11/15/2021
Wow! This Is muy first xover of hp and Sherlock and Is so cool! I can't wait to read what happens next!
ARWilliams chapter 15 . 8/1/2021
Wow - this was a great start to the story, I truly hope you find the desire and motivation to continue this delightful gem of a story. Wishing you the best!
Rossess20 chapter 15 . 4/17/2021
Guest chapter 15 . 4/8/2021
NOOOooOoOOOO plz it can’t end here asgdghjkgfddhjtyds T-T
Guest chapter 15 . 3/12/2021
You stop at that point?
I cant decide if I love you for this piece of art or of I hate you for give me only 15 chapters!
FLABBERGASTEDBANANA chapter 15 . 1/24/2021
AH HA HA! (Not a laugh of mockery, but one of discovery) A NEW STORY TO WATCH WITH MY CAREFUL EYE! I shall watch on this great journey as you write this magnificent masterpiece that will, not doubt, contain copious amounts of angst, intoward I will be most pleased with! DO THOU NOT ASK WHY I SPEAKIST IN THY OLD LANGUAGE! IT IS BEACAUSE OF REASONS! Reasons, I have yet to discover. Please do wish me well on my travels, this was most invigorating and I look foreth INTO the not past for more. :D
Ravyn Moon 1313 chapter 15 . 1/17/2021
oh my goodness...m i just binge read all the chapters this has now officially become my favorite harry potter sherlock crossover... its so wonderful I love it
curlyfri24 chapter 15 . 11/14/2020
Oh my gosh! This is one of the best Potterlock fics I’ve read, but it’s been so long since you last updated! I really hope you haven’t abandoned this story. I’m so excited to see where you take it! Amazing job! :)
Annie b chapter 15 . 10/22/2020
Well this is just fantastic! Thank you for writing this, it really pulls you in! I can imagine Sherlock being able to prove Sirius innocent much better than a couple of kids. My heart hurt for Harry in the beginning chapters, I’m happy for the bit of revenge and for John and Sherlock’s immediate acceptance. Love it. Really brilliant piece, thanks again!
Guest chapter 15 . 10/9/2020
Oh my gosh, please feed us more of you awesome word-food lol I love that you mixed Harry and Sherlock️️️ It’s freaking brilliant dude️
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