Reviews for Folie à deux
I-only-review-what-I-Love chapter 7 . 12/27/2024
That was insanely enjoyable. The first few chapters held my intrest more then the last few but that was just because of all the new twists. Loved the entire story nonetheless.
Une.Autrice.Qui.A.Demenager chapter 7 . 6/7/2024
I don't know if you will pay attention to my comments because we are in 2024... and yes a lot of things are changing.

Firstly I almost felt like I was in Lawliet's place. patience in psychiatry and not the detective. I admit that I had difficulty following the story. It’s true, I had a lot of trouble. on one side you wrote about the manga Death Note, therefore the series, and on the other side you wrote about light who is a doctor, and I really admit that I abandoned chapter and I went directly to 6 and 7 to finally see that Lawliet would die anyway.

You know... the interpretation of the fire in the hospital reminds me of the scene where Lawliet saw the computer screens all red when he was about to die in the series. sorry if you don't understand what I mean. my spelling is as crazy as your story.

all that to say that... without the other world of death note, or the world of the hospital, this would be a pleasant pleasure to read but alas my brain quickly went up in smoke just like the last barbecue I had. really, just one of the two worlds would have been enough. the world of the hospital would have been interesting since it represented the real world. If Lawliet's psychology would have been studied more in depth, there would have been some enjoyment in reading. In conclusion, I really liked it even though I had to read a book for 30 minutes to fry my brain.
Adventurous26 chapter 7 . 5/27/2021
It was just wonderful! And seriously that last trick really blew me away! It was like suddenly everything just clicked and I was left admiring the story!
Julie Saphir chapter 7 . 11/6/2020
What the what.. this is... WELL, I LOVED THIS STORY.
Julie Saphir chapter 6 . 11/6/2020
So it looks like Doctor Light Yagami and patient L Lawliet is reality.
I knew it was bad as soon as Light left L alone on the roof ;-;
Julie Saphir chapter 4 . 11/6/2020
Okay so, now, there's another reality/fantasy where Light died and L is entering a mental hospital for a case and a mental hospital is the place where the first reality/fantasy takes places.
The different worlds seem to be merging together.
This is so confusing and I love it
Julie Saphir chapter 2 . 11/6/2020
What is real ? What is not ? Or are they both insane ?
This story is aweseome !
Sky Eclipse chapter 7 . 4/15/2020
I’m really confused by the whole story, to be honest. It’s nicely written but also a huge mind screw...

So spoilers?-
Let me get this in my head: Light went insane for four years, so L decided to create the CNL scene where Light ‘kills’ L, then Light feels guilty and L turns into his patient, and during the ending chapter L is able to let Light be as a mental hospital doctor, while L moves on to live his own life?
That’s what I got so far, to be able to understand what I just read. Apologies if I got it completely wrong, I’m really bad at understanding stuff like this!
Ammet chapter 7 . 3/26/2020
This story was utterly perfect, and I love the way you played with the realities so we never know what’s real and what’s not. MY HEART I’m drowning in tears here thank you
HoneyBearWrite chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
The Bear was really impressed by this story. It played with their mind and left them... without words. Everything fitted so perfect together and... yeah... The Bear really like it.

On another note: The story about the two princes reminded them of a book. In said book had fought to brother about the power to decide how fairytales end.
And because every tale ended with a happy end, everyone thought that the good brother won. He didn‘t.
Even without this in mind they would have said that the Shadow won. Light can‘t exist without shadow, but in the darkest places there is no light.
deathlyHealer chapter 7 . 5/22/2019
what the f- wh. HUH? Holy fuck that was so absolutely incredible. Ooohhhmygod I did NOT see that coming at all. Freaking amazing. 10/10 Good Shit.
deathlyHealer chapter 2 . 5/20/2019
Jesus fuck this is incredible
BenAddict Holmes chapter 7 . 11/26/2017
I think I just stumbled upon the best written Death Note fanfic ever.
This was utterly brilliant and I loved every bit of it!
OTPwanderer chapter 7 . 10/13/2017
The Feels is strong in this one.

Simply lovely. The way you had kept the readers sucked in the mystery of who's really had the correct reality. And how they have to part in the end... *sobs

... So they could live in their own realities in peace.

Also, wow. L is a true blue friend. Orchestrating something so complicated just for Raito.

Others would have just let Raito rot in a straitjacket somewhere. With him being Kira and all.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/8/2017
Beautiful mind fuckery
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