Reviews for Dragonrend
Solavah chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
Hey, two new chapters since I last checked! I like them both.

The idea of divine (or daedric) entities catfight over who has first rights of the dragonborn is good, would perhaps make a good one-shot fanfiction some day
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
Fantastic, unique story so far! I really like it a lot! It's written very well and the descriptions are really great, too! I like the developing relationship between Alduin & Freyja, even though they still don't like or fully trust each other yet. I'm hoping there'll be some future romance between the two? That would be pretty neat! Anyway, I can't wait to read what happens next! Keep up the fabulous awesomeness and please continue immediately, a.s.a.p.! Take care! _
Lady Of Embers chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
Keep Freyja as a trophy?

BAAAAAAAAAAD idea, Alduin. Really, really BAD idea.
Sin of the Fallen chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
Trophy... Sure. A trophy wife!
AlliumChristophii chapter 6 . 4/15/2012
The thrill in finding my favourite fic updated! I loved the Blade armour idea, so unexpected, and Skuli-Alduin quality time, that he is learning more about human kindness from the child, than with others. The tough and no non-sense Dragonborn blushing like a skittish maiden made me giggle, but even with her moments of weakness at the end we are starting to see who really wears the infamous "trousers" in the relationship, for now at least. Who knows what will happens in the next chapters.
Cirtiin chapter 5 . 4/14/2012
This is a great story. I like the cliffhanger at the end. And th original idea of Alduin becoming a man. Great idea. You should keep working on this one though, I don't know if you are, but you should. It's real good and I like it so far.
Fly chapter 5 . 4/11/2012
Hmmm, I don't think a character like Alduin never had the ability to feel emotion. Or at least, a spectrum of it.

Well, it's a wonderful story you are writing here. It's enjoyable, to say the least.

I like Dovahkin and Alduin's strained relationship, always good to see a few of those types around, especcially with this excecution.

Though it may be listed Humor/Adventure, keep a romance portion in the back of your mind with them two, pretty please for us readers?

Hell, might become the official story on how more dragonborns come to be.
Heather M. Neill chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
Go Shadowmere! And Alduin transforming into a human? Brilliant! Your writing skill is excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed the first chapter - can't wait to read the rest.

H. Neill
MORE chapter 5 . 4/7/2012
lol I love this! Please continue!
Random Reader chapter 5 . 4/3/2012
Pffft... I wonder what Paarthurnax will think of all this...
Scrublord Luna chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
Oh my. I wonder what is going to happen when they get up there...

Keep up the good work. :3
Orquwen chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
And so the romance begins... dun dun DUN! Pleas update!
Swash9 chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
I freaking LOVE this story! Like... You have no idea how much I love it. I checked pretty much every single day until chapter 5 was posted. Alduin in man form is so amusing, and I'm really interested to see where you take him, Freyja and Shadowmere as the story progresses. Your way of writing keeps me hooked. Btw, I have an awesome Alduin-centric song recommendation as inspiration for you, it kind of describes how Alduin feels as a dragon trapped in a man's body and the frustration of it, as well as his primal, wild side wanting to lash out. The song is called ''You can't take me'' by Bryan Adams and it's from the Spirit: Stallion of The Cimmaron soundtrack, which is an amazing soundtrack in its entirety. Thank you for writing this, I'll follow it the whole way through!
A chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
This is hilarious and I love it. Though I find myself wondering how the Greybeards will react.

…if I was Paarthurnax I would laugh so hard omg
KainX10 chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
not bad a couple of spelling errors but nothing that distracted too much from the i see this story going places i only wish i had thought of it sooner. but seriously the only real complaint i have is that this chapters not very long.
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