Reviews for Dragonrend
AlliumChristophii chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
Alduin suffering from the "corruption of his human form": buahaha, fear and despair dovah that it's only the beginning. Beware of hormones!

Good spin with the Dovahkiin being the only one suffering the bad consequences, it really puts a veil of real danger and worry on the story. If they were both affected there wouldn't be tension and wonder about how Freyja will come unscathed from the ordeal, because with her bad luck I bet Greybeards won't have a ready solution. Indeed it would be dramatic to hear them say without any tact that "No, we have no clues on how to reverse the shout" and see Alduin's furious reaction.

When you say "High Hrothgar" the first two things that came in my mind are:

- how will the Greybeards react when discovering that the Nord man is indeed Alduin? In the game they didn't sound very hostile, they were even somewhat accepting his presence as inevitable, on the other hand they helped against the war, even if they declare themselves neutral. And how will they react to the misuse of the shout from their esteemed Dovahkiin? Now here I see some trouble.

- Paarthurnax. Dovahkiin will want some needed advice I suppose, but prideful Alduin... will he try to hide his shameful and degrading situation from the eyes of other Dovah? Do I smell a potential way of future blackmail? Or is he desperate enough to seek the help of his brother?

Oh, the curiosity. I will wait patiently to read what you concoct.
The First Flame chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
Good to see you're still updating this story, it seems I'm cursed in the sense that whenever I add something to my story alerts I never hear from it again...

Looking forwards to the next chapter.
Sin of the Fallen chapter 5 . 4/1/2012
Akatosh is playing matchmaker...
Hooked Reader chapter 4 . 3/30/2012
Don't forget to update this awesome story!
PhoenixDown23 chapter 4 . 3/24/2012
Please (please please) update soon. I will give you an e-cookie if you do!
Scrublord Luna chapter 4 . 3/23/2012
Wow, This is brilliant! Please keep it up.

Added to alerts. :3
WhenTheSaintsGoMarchingIn chapter 4 . 3/19/2012
dang, this is really good! there is a lot of potential just waiting to rise up and explode out of this story. I love the way you keep it flowing with interest and action and still find time to work in humor without it sounding forced.
Random Reader chapter 2 . 3/18/2012
Shadowmere is hilarious, and human!Alduin is as well. Him not knowing how to speak properly and such in this form was a good touch. But dear Primus, when he finally masters speech Freyja will never hear the end of it. XD
Random Reader chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Primus, it's a humanized Alduin. I think I love you. /runs off to read other chapters
Arbiter814 chapter 4 . 3/15/2012
If anything, Alduin should be able to use shouts. He probably knows all of them. Great story, by the way! I usually shy away from female OC's, because the story 's usually written by a lusty, naïve fangirl putting herself in there. This one is truly unique, and seems promising. Good luck with your writing!
hunewearl chapter 4 . 3/14/2012
Just started this story and I have to say that I absolutely love it so far. Although I do get confused at times about what is happening, I still get enough of the main point to thoroughly enjoy it. Please, continue on!
VNO chapter 4 . 3/14/2012
Freyja once again is coming across as a strong character. The thief orientation is fun yet dark which foils her awkward maiden exterior overlying the vicious tendencies of her dragon side. She is set up well for internal conflict which is believable and not angsty. Her awkwardness and mentoring attempts are a pleasure to read. Similarly, her feelings about her lack of archery talent are very believable for her character. Summary: not a Mary Sue.

The conflict between Alduin's old and new perceptions of humans is coming out well. Skyrim is really grey and black when it comes to the morality of its citizenry, so I doubt Alduin's feelings about people will be a vanilla Aesop once he sees more of the humans (and not-so-humans).

I really like how you diverged to some backstory on Alduin's interaction with his underlings because it reminds the readers he has a history involving civilization. I like how he is trying his best to put on airs; his ego is very in character. I like his feelings about the "her devil horse".

I am guessing you are setting the stage for some eventual internal conflict about Alduin's interest in Freyja (and hers as well). If you do go this route, make sure it is rocky and paced slow. A lot of writers fall into the trap of progressing things too quickly, and the fic burns out because the climax is hit too prematurely and they don't explore enough situations and conflicts. Anyway, Alduin is horrified now, but he was already staring at her butt which pretty clearly shows he acquired a set of human hormones along with his Nordness. He may not believe it now, but eventually the cognitive dissonance will strike him in the figurative knee. With the way Freyja's character is going, while she picks up on the surface details (lol eyelashes), I think she will notice any feelings she might have after Alduin does because of how she has mentally positioned herself as babysitter of a monster, mortal enemy, and arrogant annoyance. It will require a change of mindset which will be harder for her than for Alduin who is starting from the position of having his preconceptions relatively broken. Although you have described Freyja as rather lonely, Freyja having current love interests or residual from past interests will certainly complicate affairs. She seems to have fond memories of Brynjolf who I hope will continue to appear. Somehow I think Shadowmere or the inn inhabitants (if the plot stays there for a while) will be the first to notice any feelings.

I really like how you lingered on the runup to the violence with the bandits. Most people just jump to the action, but you built the suspense well and created a tense feeling that made the conflict stronger.

Quite the plot twist on the wound sharing. In game it would be awesome (read broken) as you could have your helper self heal while you melee everything. Alduin isn't stupid, but he didn't see her wound. It's going to be interesting when he finds out.

Finally some minor things...

The words of your dragon bind shout are JOOR ZAH GRON (Mortal, Finite, Bind).

It is nice to see some the game mechanics carry over to the setting.

You are being careful about having the characters not know too much about one another. As the omniscient writer it is easy for the characters to have too much correct insight on what is motivating the other.

Your word selection is prime: "crop grass" "ensconced" "milksop" "impale me with some very choice words"

I appreciate you knowing reptiles don't sweat.

Regarding fishing with shouts, you might be interested in the Youtube video ending with IJ0oQBWXLK8

Is the ghost of Old Hroldan going to put on an appearance?

Is "Aldin" going to learn some human skills, like weapon play, magic, or thieving?

I am torn between wanting to see a new location and continuing with the characters from the inn. Day trip side quest maybe? (The ghost sidequest...)

The fishing scene was a good touch.
BlueUndine16 chapter 4 . 3/13/2012
I love this story so far. Good work! The part in this chapter where Alduin made a comment on human food made me giggle. Imagine Alduin having his own personal human chefs to cook for him lol. Though I wonder what would Paarthurnax think of all this? Hmm...
AlliumChristophii chapter 4 . 3/13/2012
Another wonderful chapter. Well done! :)
GothicRose18 chapter 4 . 3/12/2012
Another awesome chapter with an exciting twist! I can't wait for more!
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