Reviews for Dragonrend |
Inverness chapter 4 . 3/12/2012 I'm very impressed with everything you've done so far. Can't wait for more! |
Solavah chapter 4 . 3/12/2012 I like the insights in Alduins POV, the interaction, the humour. Although you update slowly, you give a lot of thought to your chapters, and that shows. Quality is alway better than quantity. Dragonrend has become one of the few stories I keep checking daily for new chapters. It's intriguing. Earlier though, when "Aldin" had to use the toilet, in my opinion a chamber pot in easy reach under the bed would have been more likely than a lengthy walk to the facilities (which would surely resemble a hole in the ground and a plank with a hole in it to sit on). But that's a minor detail, who am I to philosophize about the way of loo in Skyrim |
MythicElf chapter 4 . 3/12/2012 By the eight, it's glorious. I rather like the human!Alduin, he's very amusing... I love how he's so ready to kill Freyja but so dependent on her, and how he was proud of himself for fishing successfully. :3 Very cute. More. |
Orquwen chapter 4 . 3/12/2012 Wow, thats really tragic that she did that! Well, I CAN'T WAIT TLL THE NEXT CHAPTER! |
AlliumChristophii chapter 3 . 3/9/2012 Ok, review time! I am officially addicted to this fic. It is always a joy to find well written stories like yours. I hope you will put another chapter soon. |
Velie chapter 3 . 3/9/2012 Gotta stop giggling... It's amazing! |
majorasmask07 chapter 1 . 3/8/2012 I'm a new reader, and I'd like to say that I really like this story so far. It's different, in a good way of course. I just love it. Truthfully, I've read these three chapters twice so far. I just love it. I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter. C: |
MireliAmbar chapter 3 . 3/8/2012 I have to say this fanfic is really drawing me in and its certainly making me laugh! And yay for another Brit writer on here :). Looking forward to the next chapter. |
T-B-R chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 Funny chapter, especially when Alduin was leering at her ass, really cracked me up. |
MissLieress chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 I stalked fanfiction for DAYS waiting for you to update! This is just getting better and better! There's so much that I liked about this chapter - I could go on a rant - but, as to not spoil anything for the curious reader, I'll keep my mouth closed :) Please update again as soon as you can! I'll be happily roaming around the Skyrim section as I wait. x) |
Knotted chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 This is just brilliant. It's like he's trying to make her uncomfortable, as if it's the only way he can get her back. Wonderful. |
AdAstridPerAspera chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 gotta feel sorry for alduin, sick twisted evil bastard that he is. |
Shatter Dave chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 Alright, I saw this story after the summery caught my eye, followed by the number of reviews with only three chapters. Well after reading it all I thought to myself, where is the next chapter? The detail you have put in this story is amazing! One of the best I have seen. And the plot...well besides being original, it's just...awesome! It is so awesome in fact that I may not be able to wait for the next chapter to be updated before know what? Don't mind me, I'll be fine. |
PhoenixDown23 chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 I did not really know what to expect from this story but I decided to give it a shot anyway, and let me just say: wow! This is truly fantastic writing and the story line has a lot of potential. Keep up the great work! |
Sin of the Fallen chapter 3 . 3/7/2012 More on Alduin's PoV please! |