Reviews for A Week is Just Seven Days Isn't It? |
TheConsultingTimeLord chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 Well. This is very, very, good. It's funny, suspensful, and sweet at the same time. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! |
Duppy Conqueror chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 This continues to be wonderful. You really could write for the show...what action! And proper sounding mysteries. John was so IC for his entire ordeal with Warren. His pleas for reason and compassion are exactly the things he'd say. You went above and beyond with my request for some Molly. Again, if it were to happen (the closet, the ambulance stealing) that is exactly how it would happen, right down to the street racing joke. Though I would have loved for the street racing to be real. That would show up know it all Sherlock for all the times he's dismissed Molly as inconsequential (at least until the Fall). And on that note it was nice to see that subtle awareness on Sherlock's part that he was being a pill to her and John would be disappointed. The action sequences were great and well described. I could picture every moment till Sherlock got struck poor guy. And Mycroft's insistence he only did it to be dramatic was spot on. Lovely, lovely, lovely...sorry it has to end. |
Joyfull Scroll chapter 1 . 3/11/2012 *Huge grin* can't wait to see what mischief Sherlock gets into now that John's not there to moniter him. I also like your OC that's working w/John. He's a hoot. |
Deb chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 This is just all kinds of awesome. Is it wrong of me to hope for a scene where Cooper drops by Baker Street with milk? |
Zemera chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 This is a really fantastic story. Poor Sherlock, he's so lost without his blogger! Please update soon, I'm really looking foward to the next chapter. |
GodBlessUsEveryone chapter 1 . 3/11/2012 It's great! And It's killing me to not knowing what happens next! |
Nos chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 How can this be so good ahhhh. I can't stop giggling first, and then there's drama and people being shot and then I can't stop laughing at Mycroft saying Sherlock is dramatic and ahhhhh |
TSylvestrisA chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 This has been brilliant, and I am dying because it will end soon and I don't want it to. You've made me bark with unexpected laughter, and made my stomach clench with tension, and this will be the story I use to show my beloved just what it is about fanfiction that I love so much. Thank you for this. Truly, and humbly, thank you. |
Akaia Autumngold chapter 3 . 3/11/2012 Another brilliant chapter! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to read a fanfic in which the characters all sound like themselves and do things the characters would do. It's also rare to find fanfiction in which the writer clearly knows what they're doing - which you do. Absolutely brilliant stuff, I look forward to the next installment. |
AndyS chapter 2 . 3/9/2012 I hope you're going to update soon, this is incredibly funny with a bit of mystery. Poor Sherlock can't cope without John there as a buffer to the world. Glad John is getting to show that he's also intelligent and can work things out without playing second-fiddle all the time. |
SonicChickenkittyIOU chapter 2 . 3/8/2012 This is by far my favorite Sherlock fict. Update soon, please! |
Lizzie B chapter 2 . 3/6/2012 GREAT story, please update again soon! |
EmySabath chapter 2 . 3/5/2012 Holy cow, this is easily the single most entertaining Sherlock fic I've ever read. Your characterizations are fantastic, realistic, and had me laughing out loud more than once. Can't wait for the next chapter! |
Mark chapter 2 . 3/4/2012 Sorry, just wanted to add how glad I am that this isn't a 'slash' fix; there are far too many of them out there, which is so bizarre as they are clearly only friends (the producers/writers even state on the DVD extras that they are clearly only friends and the story is as much about one of the greatest friendships as it is about the mysteries. After all, John even gets married at one point). |
Mark chapter 2 . 3/4/2012 This is one of the best Sherlock stories I've read; please do update again very soon! Love the mix of humour and drama. Poor Sherlock! Unable to cope effectively without his friend to help. |