Reviews for The Fourth Option
Mrjoe1986 chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
This is by far one of the best Mass Effect fanfiction stories I've ever read. Quite simply, brilliant.
Telepek chapter 32 . 2/18/2013
That was pretty good. Seriously.
The thing that i like abut this fic is the fact that you've not kept in in Black and White colours. I like how both sides - Cerberus and Alliance basically don't have much of a difference and you showed it in pretty good way. Another thing is the fact that you made Shepard realise it - in games he never said a word about other people incompetence i really wanted a scene in ME3 where he shoves the truth in the council faces, and here we have it perfectly showed during the talks with Hackett. Shame though that you killed Garrus in this story i started to wonder how the talk between Shaperd's mother and him would look like. And also shame that you did not descirbed everybody's else lives after the Reaper war, but it is a little flaw on this story.
Dracconnis chapter 32 . 2/15/2013
Kudos!loved this fic!
Sad to see it end,but loved the way it did
Duelist 666 chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Shamefully I have been quietly following this story.
Let me just say that I am sorry for not leaving a review and that I am sad that this is now over and done with.
Your sentiments in regards to the Salarians and Asari reflect my own.

While there are a few grammatical issues that i'm far too lazy to point out, overall you did what BioWare couldn't: delivered a satisfying albeit somewhat sad yet realistic ending that leaves enough room for a sequel.

I must say that I was slightly disappointed by the lack of Garrus bromance and Tali bashing (I don't hate Tali, but her fans annoy me) the rest of your stories have but it doesn't detract from what was a work of brilliance.

Please keep writing Mass Effect fanfics as their is too little Miranda on this site.

crazyrenegade chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
I have read a lot of Mass Effect stories, and this is the best one in my opinion. So realistic, in my opinion you have capture the characters to the teeth. This is my favorite ME story (number 1). Miranda in my opinion is the best partner their is for Shepard. Only a strong woman can be compatible with Shepard. Not bashing Tali/Shepard fans, but that pairing doesn't work.
bluemarlin chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Excellent and emotional ending to this story. Please continue writing.
Guardian54 chapter 31 . 2/13/2013
A billion light-years? NO. The Mmilky way is about 100,000 light-years across. Andromeda is only 2.25 million light years away. A billion light-seconds maybe, but NOT a billion light-years.
Roste chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
This was a fantastic story. You weren't afraid to look at the darkness and the scars left behind after the war. The highest praise I can give any story, is that it was realistic. So many of your thoughts on Shepard and the rest were in line with my own. You weren't afraid to give us an unsatisfying epilogue and even gave us the courtesy of warning us we might not like what we saw ahead, but it was well worth it. Things aren't always going to turn out perfect, and too many stories have Shepard coming out of all these experiences with too few scars on his psyche. I am finally satisfied with an ending to this story, fanfic or not. There was enough good to hope for a better future with enough darkness and cynicism to temper it.

Excellent work.
Patient131071 chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Well, I suppose that's that. This has been an incredible fic, skillfully written and directly confronting the issues left behind by the mass effect trilogy, and all I can do is thank you for writing and sharing it. I will eagerly await any further pieces that you write.
Janizary chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Nice wrap up. The post-perspective works well.
Red Sectoid chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Absolutely love your Shepherd. Nobody goes through something like that without scars and it shows.

Terrific job
arias asriel chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
A really good storu, arguably one of the most human and believable stories I've read on here. The epilogue was clever writing it from his sons perspective. I do kind of wish a bit more was said about the problems facing the various races (are batarians still slavers, Geth-Quarian relations and Krogan expansion) and how they were resolved but that is just my personal wish.

One thing that did strike me was your shepard died at the age of 83. Humans at this point is Mass Effect can live upto 150 years. It's a minor point but did seem a little odd.

Great story, great conclusion. Wipes the floor with Biowares ending.
Rise Against713 chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Great epilogue. Not the brightest piece but it fits with the tone of the rest of the story. Again, thank you for sharing your vision for the ending. Whenever I finish another playthrough of Mass Effect, with Miranda as my paramore, I'll be opening up this story.
edboy4926 chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Sad and depressing ending.
But well written.
You did a good job.

Maybe for a later ME story, you could write a time travel one, because I swear when I read the title for the first time, I thought it was going to be one. See your next story.
general-joseph-dickson chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Nice chapter.
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