Reviews for The Fourth Option
13Commander chapter 32 . 2/13/2013
Damn you for writing such a good fanfic. It was almost perfect ... I shall not cry ... damn it ...

I have one complaint though, and that's regarded towards the Asari and Salarians. While I agree 100% with what you said, you could have mentioned Mordin without which the genophage couldn't have been cured "properly" (can't find the right word), and Liara without which Shepard wouldn't have been alive (I know it was Miri that resurrected Shepard, but if not for Liara it would have been extremely unlikely that Miri could have recovered Shepards' body before the collectors/reapers). These two I feel would have been the only major exceptions of Shepards' disdain toward the two species (and possibly Kirahee).

But enough of my minor complaint. What you did was truly heart warming, i salute you my good sir.
Guest chapter 32 . 2/12/2013
Well that was just awesome. I have absolutely nothing to add in either celebration or critique. Well, that's not entirely true:

- Aren't human lifespans in the Mass Effect universe 150? 83 seems kinda young. Especially when you consider his Cerberus enhancements.

- I request, somewhere between 'respectfully' and 'demanding', that you write an epilogue such as this but written by Miranda. Or centered on Miranda. Or something Miranda. Being the most important person in Shepard's would make her account of their life together rather interesting, I'd guess. Mostly I'm just interested in how you'd write Miranda's take on her life with Shepard and how she would react to his death.
BlackBox Inc chapter 32 . 2/12/2013
I swear... I'm not crying... I just... Got something in... My eye...
Godamn beautiful finish CC, this was the wrp up I was hopping for, a definitive end, no speculation, no more questions (besides what now) just a good old fashioned: the end.
Bravo sir, bravo.
MassEffectFan8 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Bravo! Though I like Shepley, your story has intrigued me. Good job on the first chapter. I look forward to reading the rest of your story.
Daryst chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
One word... Continue

Even if it was written at 3 in the morning. It looks very promising.
Hakluyt chapter 31 . 1/26/2013
Nobly done, and a real emotionally demanding story. I am impressed.
Guest chapter 31 . 1/12/2013
And cut to credits, set against Marty O'Donnell's "Never Forget".
Y2J1990 chapter 31 . 1/5/2013
Bravo sir! I enjoyed keeping up with this story and am glad to see you reach a fitting ending. Looking forward to your future stories amigo
bluemarlin chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
Wonderful chapter and excellent story. Running out of superlatives for this story. Looking forward to the epilogue.
Whatshisface v.2 chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
Alriiiiiight...Loving Shepard and Miranda embrace...Normandy lifting off into space...Aaaaaaaand...CUE M4 PART ONE!

*Screen fades to black with artsy pictures of planets*

Oooh and I NEED you to recoveeerrr...Cuz I can't DO this on MY OOOWN...

And SCENE! Congratulations my vegetable-based author! I am content! No more bemoaning any flubbing of endings or half-hearted EA protesting! Just a good, warm fuzzy feelin' in my guts!...That could be a virus though. Still! Damn good stuff, your excellency! And Traynor deserves a lil shaking from her starry-eyed stupor anyway...Time to feed Cap'n TALI's fish now!
CyanB chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
It was a proper ending too.
Thank you.
AnotherMason chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
Absolutely loved this story. Thank you so much for it and thank you for doing Miranda and her romance with Shepard justice. Can't wait for the epilogue(:
Rise Against713 chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
Damn good story. I'll definitely read this anytime I finish a play through with Miranda as my romance option. Thank you for helping make the ending a little easier to stomach through. Can't wait for the epilogue.
Dracconnis chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
An Excellent ending...loved this fic
Star Dust of Ancient Novae chapter 31 . 1/4/2013
The point that I can make a suggestion about is that near he beginnin when the ship is making th jump to Eden Prime, you wrote that it sent them several trillion light years in a few seconds. Several trillion light years would send them clear to the other side of the galaxy cluster. So unless mass effect was a multigalaxy game it's wrong.
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