Reviews for The Mating Games
thepriceyoupay chapter 25 . 2/16
Katkin chapter 1 . 1/14/2023
I just want to comment that you using a slur as a way to portray a character is not indicative to your personal beliefs unlike what people made you think. As a writer, you are not your characters. Your characters could be homophobic, transphobic or racist and it doesn't mean that you are and it shouldn't stop you from giving your characters flaws. People should know that. Give writers creative freedom and stop assuming what they are just because of their characters used a slur. And this is coming from a member of LGBTQA. Let writers give their character real life flaws. The moment you stifle a creator because "Omg, I find that offensive" is the moment you kill their creative freedom. It's like telling GRRM that he is a rapist because he writes rape in his books. Think about that before you accuse an author, just because of a slur. Let them use words to tell a fucking story, to convey a character's personality, negative or otherwise.

Sincerely, a bisexual stranger.
Ba nana chapter 4 . 9/30/2022
I gotta say, I dont think your characterization of Haymitch is accurate. The books show time and time again him being an asshole is a coping mechanism, and he does genuinely care for the tributes. And making him homophobic? Wtf? Literally why. :(
Guest chapter 11 . 7/19/2022
I really appreciate the fact that you put a story line rather than only steamy stuff! Like most fanfics will only be steamy scenes with like no plot line whatsoever! And drunk Katniss was hilarious, and if I do say so myself, exactly how I pictured it.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/19/2022
I swear... if Cato does anything I will jump through the fourth wall with a kitchen knife
Guest chapter 6 . 7/18/2022
Oh my gosh... I never knew that Katniss had... Emotions?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/18/2022
I have honestly never seen a fanfic this creative! Also, this may have been in the last chapter, but I think it’s awesome that you mentioned Peeta double tying his shoelaces. Just like a lot of attention to detail
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2022
I really loved this chapter! Also, there really is no reason for a team Gale, Peeta is clearly the superior option!
rawrsharpii chapter 7 . 1/10/2022
I haven't finished reading this chapter yes, but I CANNOT believe you used "Sexy and I Know It"! I started to laugh then choke on my knock off Takis. This is a great story so far!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/21/2021
Geez I’m gonna need a minute to take everything in! Like one minute it was smut then Haymitch then they were being separated
jordancrigger3 chapter 25 . 6/4/2021
Do you have any upcoming story ideas?
Guest chapter 13 . 5/28/2021
I'm curious about the pregnancy thing. Considering they've only been in the Capitol a couple of days, she wouldn't already shows signs of pregnancy, let alone get a positive pregnancy test. So im curious if she is lying or something else.
ashfandom20 chapter 1 . 5/15/2021
‘"Aurgggh! Ged outta here, you fag pastry boy!”’, that is a direct quote from your story, and while you have addressed the racism in your story, I want you to address this slur used. I originally posted this comment as a guest, but then went ahead and made an account so it would be more meaningful. You used a slur that is extremely offensive to the LGBTGIA community and it needs to be changed and/or a statement made about it. This story was last updated in June 2020, and while I appreciate your words to own up to your mistakes with racism, I would like this one to be spoken against as well. Others may have glossed over that specific word in that sentence, but I didn’t. After reading that line it turned me away from the story entirely. Please address this.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/15/2021
"Aurgggh! Ged outta here, you fag pastry boy! -that is a direct quote from your story. The slur used here is extremely disrespectful and tasteless. This story was updated in June 2020, so please make a change to this and rid the story of the slur you have used. That line alone quite literally makes me not want to read this.
Brianvrs chapter 25 . 3/2/2021
Can I give you some oc characters for a new story idea please
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